Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm


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TYPHUS FEVER. 233<br />

much shorter, according as the disease is more severe ; for instance,<br />

from every eight to fifteen minutes in very acute cases, and which<br />

must be continued until a perceptible calm be restored. In external<br />

inflammatory diseases, especially those which arise from a traumatic<br />

lesion, aconitum is applicable not only to prevent the fever, but also to<br />

cure it when it is already developed, and has as yet made no progress.<br />

Notwithstanding the great efficacy of aconitum, it does nojt suffice in<br />

many cases to effect a complete cure, so that, according to the individual<br />

nature of the inflammation, other diseases being connected, it<br />

becomes necessary to assist its action by that of other different means<br />

helludonna in encephalitis ; spongia marina in angina ; bryonia in<br />

pneumonia and peri-pneumonia ; arsenicum and thus toxicodendron in<br />

enteritis ;<br />

cantharides in cystitis and nephritis, &c.<br />


This is a species of fever with which every farmer is too well acquainted.<br />

It is of a low chronic, typhoid form. It sometimes follows<br />

intense inflammatory action, and then it may be deemed the<br />

second stage of that which has just been considered; but often,<br />

there have been no previous symptoms of peculiar intensity, at least<br />

none that have been observed, but a little increased heat of the ears,<br />

horns, and mouth ; a pulse of sixty or seventy ; a certain degree of<br />

dullness ; a deficiency of appetite ; an occasional suspension of rumi-<br />

nation ; a disinclination to move; a gait approaching to staggering ;<br />

and a gradual wasting. These are plain indications that there is a<br />

fire burning, and rapidly consuming the strength of the animal. The<br />

vital energies are evidently undermining ; but the fire is smothered.<br />

It is not phthisis (consumption), it is not inflammatory fever, for the<br />

intense inflammation<br />

typhus fever.<br />

characterizing that is seldom seen it is true<br />

As soon as it becomes established, diarrhoea succeeds ; and this is<br />

either produced by small doses of medicine from which no danger<br />

could be suspected, or comes on spontaneously. It is not, however,<br />

violent, but continues day after day. It bids defiance to the skill of<br />

the most experienced practitioner, or, if arrested for a while, is sure<br />

to return. The discharge is peculiarly fetid ; occasionally mixed<br />

with blood, and generally containing a considerable quantity of<br />

mucus.<br />

Three or four weeks have probably now elapsed, and then succeed<br />

the peculiar symptoms of low fever in cattle. Tumors form round<br />

the joints, or appear on the back or udder ; ulcerate, spread, and become<br />

fetid. The sweet breath of the ox is gone—it is as offensive<br />

as the ulcers, and, in fact, we have that which can scarcely be distinguished<br />

from the second stage of inflammatory fever.<br />

It is most prevalent in the spring and fall of the year, and when<br />

—<br />


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