Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm


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274<br />

"<br />

CATTLE.<br />

in a few cases, be repaired, but in the great majority of them will<br />

proceed to its fatal termination. It is a disorganization which does<br />

not immediately interfere with the discharge of the functions of life.<br />

The beast will fatten, and,' perhaps, almost as rapidly as before. In<br />

some cases it has been imagined that by careful feeding, a very con-<br />

siderable degree of condition has been acquired with unusual quick-<br />

ness ; but this will not last long. The effect of diseased structure,<br />

and diminished substance of the lungs, will soon tell in the unthriftiness<br />

and loss of condition of the beast. It will not be prudent to<br />

attempt any medical treatment at all, or at least beyond that of a<br />

mere palliative nature.<br />

If any thing is to be done, bleeding will be here, as in other inflammatory<br />

cases, the first step, but pursued in a more cautious manner<br />

than in any of the others—never pushed beyond the very first<br />

indication of its proper effect, nor repeated until after due consideration,<br />

and a full conviction that renewed irritation is beginning to be<br />

set up. To this must be added mild doses of physic, and the use of'<br />

the sedative medicines ; with proper care that the animal is not unnecessarily<br />

exposed to the vicissitudes of the weather, and yet avoid-<br />

ing too much nursing.<br />

If treatment be tried, there is one circumstance and one only,<br />

which will enable one to understand the real ground, and that is, the<br />

character of th&-cough, which will still remain, although much less<br />

frequent. Is it the clear, sonorous cough which indicates the com-<br />

parative healthiness of the air-passages, or does it continue to be, to<br />

a greater or less degree, painful, inward, feeble, and gurgling ? If<br />

the latter, the amendment is delusive. It is one of those temporary<br />

rallyings of nature, or transient effects of medicine, which are sometimes<br />

witnessed ; or, perhaps there has been some salutary change<br />

of atmospheric influence : but there is mischief still—and the most<br />

salutary advice would be, to dispose of the animal while something<br />

like its value can be obtained. Weeks, months may pass on ; but byand-by—the<br />

symptoms of confirmed phthisis appear, and the animal<br />

is lost.<br />

This second, and more violent attack, has many symptoms similar<br />

to those that have been described as attending the latter stages of<br />

bronchitis or pleurisy ; but there are a few which would point out<br />

the nature and seat of the disease when there is no previous history<br />

of the case to guide the practitioner. The milk gradually diminishes',<br />

and, had it been examined before its diminution, an evident deterioration<br />

in quality would have been observed ; it has acquired an unpleasant<br />

flavor—it quickly becomes sour—it spoils, or gives a peculiar taste<br />

to that with which it is mixed. The butter that is made from it is<br />

ill-flavored, and the cheese will not acquire a proper consistence.<br />

Some have said that the milk is of a blue color, and that it has more<br />

serum in its composition than ordinary and healthy milk.

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