Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm


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420 CATTLE.<br />

siderably in size and form, and are filled with a purulent matter. In<br />

the course of a few days a scab forms upon them, which peels off,<br />

and the part underneath is sound. If the pustules are rubbed off in<br />

the act of milking, or in any other way, small ulcers are left, which<br />

are very sore, and sometimes difficult to heal.<br />

The best treatment is washing and fomenting ; a dose of physic,<br />

and the application of the ointment for sore teats recommended in<br />

page 408. The cause, like that of many other pustular eruptions, is<br />

unknown ; except that it is contagious, and is readily communicated<br />

from the cow to the milker, if the hand be not quite sound, and from<br />

the milker to other cows.<br />

There is another kind of pustular eruption, of a more important<br />

character, and with which the preceding one has been confounded.<br />

It also consists of vesicles or bladders on the teats ; but they are<br />

larger, round, with a little central depression ; they are filled at first<br />

with a limpid fluid, which by degrees becomes opaque and purulent,<br />

and each of them is surrounded by a broad circle* of inflammation.<br />

This is more decidedly a constitutional disease than the former. The<br />

cow exhibits evident symptoms of fever ; she does not feed well<br />

sometimes she ceases to ruminate, and the secretion of milk is usual-<br />

ly diminished.<br />

These pustules go through a similar process with the former<br />

ones—they dry up, and at length the scabs fall off, leaving th_e skin<br />

beneath sound ; but if they are broken before this, the ulcers are<br />

larger, deeper, of a more unhealthy character, and generally far more<br />

difficult to heal. This is the genuine cow-pox.<br />

The treatment is nearly the same, except that, being accompanied<br />

by more constitutional disturbance, an aperient is more necessary,<br />

and it may occasionally be prudent to abstract blood. The frequent<br />

application of Goulard's lotion, with an equal portion of spirit of<br />

wine, will, at least in the early stage of the ulcer, be preferable to<br />

the ointment ; but better than this, and until the ulcers are beginning<br />

to heal, will be the dilute solution of the chloride of lime. If<br />

the teats are washed with this before the cow is milked, it will go<br />

far toward preventing the communication of the disease.<br />

The most interesting circumstance connected with this pustular<br />

eruption is, that the persons on whom it appeared were, for a considerable<br />

period, (it was once thought, during life,) protected from<br />

the small-pox. This was known among farmers from time immemo-<br />

rial. But to no one, whom experience had convinced of the active<br />

protective power of the cow-pox, had it occurred to endeavor to as-<br />

certain whether it might not be possible to propagate the affection<br />

by innppulation from one human being to another, and thus communicate<br />

security agajnst small-pox at will.<br />

To the mind of Mr. Jenner, the probability of accomplishing this<br />

first presented itself. He innoculatei", a boy with the matter taken<br />


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