Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm


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When this termination threatens, the globe of the eye -will usually<br />

turn to a bottle-green color, then ulceration will appear about the<br />

centre of it, and the eye will become of three or four times its<br />

natural size, or it will gradually diminish and sink into the orbit.<br />

The fluid discharged from it will be so acrid that it will excoriate<br />

the parts over which it runs, and the<br />

ulcerated.<br />

lids will become swollen and<br />

The most humane method to be adopted with regard to the animal,<br />

is to remove the eye. If the owner does not think proper to<br />

adppt this, let him try to make the beast as comfortable as he can.<br />

The part should be kept clean, and when there appears to be any<br />

additional inflammation, or swelling, or pain, the eye should be well<br />

fomented with a decoction of poppy-heads.<br />

Homoeopathic treatment.—The cure is easily effected, when the<br />

case is taken in time ; commence with a few doses of aconitum,<br />

which is to be employed at first from hour to hour ; then at longer<br />

intervals. Resort afterwards to arnica. If it be too late, conium<br />

must be given, which is also indicated when aconitum and arnica<br />

have removed the inflammatory symptoms, but there is an exudation<br />

between the laminae of the cornea. Cannabis, belladonna, or euphra-<br />

sia, in two ounces of distilled water, form an excellent topical application<br />

; but they should also be used internally. If the ophthalmia<br />

has- been occasioned by a foreign body in the eye, it calls for a dif-<br />

• ferent treatment. Extract the foreign body with a bit of moistened<br />

linen ; conium then removes the symptoms, and if there have been<br />

any injury, arnica should be prescribed, both externally and inter-<br />

nally. Ophthalmia caused by cold soon yields to aconitum, bryonia,<br />

dulcamara, and euphrasia.<br />

- When the disease proceeds from an internal cause and is peri-<br />

odical, it is hereditary, or depends on the deposition on the eye of<br />

a morbific principle difficult to be determined. The chief means<br />

to be employed are sulphur, euphrasia, pulsatilla, cannabis, conium,<br />

and causticum. Belladona might also be tried. Calcarea c'arbonica<br />

is useful in the case of turbid vision with a bluish tint of the cornea<br />

—the lids not being affected.<br />


There is a singular disease of the eye, not properly ophthalmia,<br />

sometimes epizootic among cattle, that sadly frightens the owner<br />

when it first appears. Young cattle pasturing on wet and woody<br />

ground are suddenly seized with swellings of the tongue and throat,<br />

and eruptions about tlie membrane of tha mouth, and the eyes become<br />

intensely inflamed, and superficial ulcers appear on the cornea.<br />

This is only one of nature's- methods, singular indeed, of getting rid<br />

of something that offended the constitution ; and the way is to let<br />

iier nearly alone. The skillful practitioner foments with warm water,

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