Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm


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GARGET, OS. "SORE BAG. 411<br />

in the part. Connected with this last cause is the necessity of the<br />

advice already given, to milk the cow as clean as possible, at least<br />

twice in the day, during the existence and treatment of garget.<br />

Homoeopathic treatment.— 1. Inflammatory tumefaction.—A little<br />

time before and after calving, particularly in the first birth, often too<br />

at other periods, there is observed on the udder a painful inflammatory<br />

swelling : the organ is hard, tense, hot and red ; the entire, or<br />

only a part, is affected with swelling. The animal has rather high<br />

fever, a sharp thirst, the mouth is dry, and there is but little appetite<br />

the secretion of milk is more or less diminished. This disease is<br />

produced by different causes. The most common are contusion,<br />

stings of insects, cold, the too prolonged retention of milk, &c. Some<br />

say it has been occasioned by too little exercise. If it has been<br />

caused by external injury, frequently moistening the part with arnica<br />

water is sufficient to cure it ; a dose of it should also be taken internally<br />

every day. Arsenicum should be employed only when the<br />

disease has been leglected, or when there have supervened gangrenous<br />

"inflammation or ill-conducted ulcerations with hard and<br />

everted edges. After cold, the cure is readily obtained by aconitum<br />

at first, then bryonia ; if the latter does not suffice, dulcamara.<br />

Chamomilla also has frequently proved useful. Belladonna has<br />

been found a specific in the treatment of erysipelatous inflammation.<br />

However, others recommend arnica, camphora, phosphorus and silicea.<br />

In the inflammation which comes on a little before or after calving,<br />

belladonna and chamomilla are specifics ; chamomilla more especially<br />

when nodosities are felt in the organ, without the external integuments<br />

participating in it. If the inflammation passes into gangrene, or<br />

produces malignant ulcers, arsenicum should be~ administered ; if,<br />

gangrene having supervened, the skin readily becomes detached,<br />

secale cornutum should be employed. Silicea also produces good<br />

effects in obstinate ulcers ; asafoetida and mercurius vivus in treating<br />

unhealthy suppuration. We may also in such a case recommend cabor<br />

vegetabilis, calcarea carbonica, and Pulsatilla, the latter more especially<br />

when fistulous sores begin to form.<br />

The abnormal swelling of the udder, especially when caused by<br />

cold or moisture, yields to lotions repeated several times a day with<br />

camphoretted brandy.<br />

2. Induration.—This proceeds from the same causes as inflammation,<br />

and may also result from internal causes. It is or is not<br />

accompanied with pains and suppression of milk : the latter often<br />

assumes a bad color, or undergoes some other change, becomes granular<br />

and puriform. If the indurations are painful and consist of<br />

rounded tubercles, they are resolved in ten or twelve days, either by<br />

bryonia (one dose morning and evening), or by chamomilla, chiefly<br />

when the tumor yields a crackling noise on being touched. If |he<br />

cause has been an external injury, we must have recourse to a few<br />


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