Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm


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round. First, some degree of fever comes on—she perhaps scarcely<br />

eats—rumination is suspended—the muzzle dry—the ears and roots<br />

of the horns hot—the breathing laborious, and the hair rough. It is<br />

fever without any evident local determination. Perhaps she is bled<br />

and physicked ; but on the following day, the thing begins to speak<br />

for itself ; she turns round and round, and always in the same direction<br />

: it is pressure upon the brain ; no operation can relieve such an<br />

animal from the hydatid. But is the pressure of the hydatid the<br />

only one that can affect the brain, or produce this peculiar motion ?<br />

Would not effusion of blood, or of any fluid, on some portion of the<br />

bjfain, produce the same effect ? There may have been a too great<br />

determination of blood to the head, and some little vessel may have<br />

given way. It is worth trying for a day or two at least, and the<br />

cow will not be much the worse for slaughter in that time. «She<br />

should be bled copiously ; and a stronger dose of physic be given.<br />

In some instances, perhaps in the majority, the animal will do well.<br />

A spare diet at the time, and a while afterwards, will be plainly<br />

indicated. Success will not, however, attend every case.<br />

It is a disease peculiar to young cattle. It seldom attacks any<br />

beast after he is a year and a half old.<br />

Veterinary writers, in those countries where the hydatid in cattle<br />

\s known, very properly remark that it may be discovered in young<br />

stock, by the softening of the bone at a particular part ; because the<br />

frontal sinuses are not fully developed in young beasts. The hydatid<br />

may then be punctuated with an awl, or better with the trephine<br />

but we recommend that young cattle thus affected should be immediately<br />

destroyed.<br />


There is another species of pressure on the brain, to which young<br />

cattle are subject, and sometimes even in the foetal state hydrocephalus,<br />

or water in the head. The fluid is usually found between<br />

the membranes, and exists in so great a quantity, and enlarges the<br />

head to such a degree, that parturition is difficult and dangerous<br />

and it is often necessary to destroy the progeny to save the mother.<br />

"We have seen hydrocephalus appear after birth in very weakly<br />

calves ; but do not recollect an instance in a healthy one ; and in<br />

almost every case it has been fatal : . therefore such an animal should<br />

be put to death.<br />

In the adult animal, the pressure of a fluid on the brain will<br />

occasionally be a source of general disease, or death : but it will then<br />

be an accumulation of fluid in the ventricles' of the brain, and not<br />

indicated by any change in the size or form of the skull.<br />

The symptoms<br />

will very much resemble those of apoplexy, except that they<br />

are milder, and the malady is slower in progress—and the network<br />

of minute arteries and veins in the ventricles are usually considerably<br />

enlarged.<br />

—<br />


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