Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm


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21. The pyriform (pear-shaped) muscle, found within the cavity<br />

of the pelvis, and on the inside of the aitch-bone and the rump.<br />

Large and composed of soft fibres, in the ox. Its office is to assist<br />

in the extension of the haunch.<br />

22. Levator caudce brevis (the shorter elevator of the tail). It is<br />

used in common with other muscles to move the tail,<br />

23. Levator caudcB longus (the long elevator of the tail).<br />

24. Depressor caudce, by which the tail is pressed upon the haunch,<br />

and that sometimes with a force that would scarcely be thought<br />

possible.<br />

25. The intertransversal muscles, whose oblique fibres run from the<br />

base to the edge of the bones of the tail, through its whole extent,<br />

and by which the lateral motions are effected. By the union of all<br />

of these muscles the tail is made a most effective instrument in<br />

driving away or destroying thousands of winged blood-suckers, by<br />

which the animal would otherwise be tormented.<br />

26. The rectus femoris, or straight muscle of the thigh, runs along<br />

the whole of the anterior portion of the thigh, from the ilium to the<br />

patella, or knee-cap. It is a very conspicuous muscle in the round,<br />

and helps to extend the thigh and advance the haunch.<br />

27. The vasti muscles, so called from their occupying the greater<br />

part of the thigh. The three branches are commonly distinct, but<br />

they are not much developed, for they have not the work to do.<br />

The butcher thinks that there is a great difference between the<br />

round of the beast that has worked, and of another that has not<br />

and he is right, for nothing tends so much to the development of<br />

tne muscular system as regular exercise.<br />

28. The great adductor, or bringer forward of the thigh. This<br />

muscle occupies the external face of the posterior part of the thigh.<br />

It rises as high as the spine of the sacrum, and reaches the anterior<br />

portioa of the leg by three different branches or heads, and thence is<br />

called the triceps adductor femoris. It bends the leg upon the thigh<br />

it carries the whole limb backward in the act of kicking, and also<br />

assists in elevating the fore part of the body in preparing for a leap.<br />

It is large, reaching along, the spine, to the very angle of the croup.<br />

29. The semitendinosus, so called from its half-tendinous construc-<br />

tion, constitutes, with the next muscle, the posterior and internal face<br />

of the haunch and thigh. It is a flexor or bender of the leg.<br />

30. Adductor tibiae longus (the long adductor, or bringer forward<br />

of the thigh ;) sometimes called, from its construction, the semi-tendinosus<br />

muscle. It is a flexor or bender the leg.<br />

The reader is now prepared to enter with us, so far as we can<br />

without being too dryly anatomical, into the consideration of the form<br />

and structure of the neck and trunk of cattle ; and particularly as connected<br />

with the production of milk while living, and beef when dead.<br />

; ;

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