Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep


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3311 Organization and Administration<br />

of Physical Education [ 318~-3201<br />

The place of Physical Education in the total educational situation will be presented,<br />

along with fundamental aspects of a well-rounded Physical Education<br />

program. Particular emphasis on the administrative problems underlying a functional<br />

pro am Prerequisite: Physical Education 3101 and 3102 . fo~ men, 3103<br />

and 3104 gr women.<br />

3202 Kinesiology [ 319K<br />

The mechanical and anatomical study of the Ph sical Education program as a<br />

basis for the analysis of activities in coaching. tie selection and adaptation of<br />

activities in curriculum construction, and in corrective procedures. Prerequisite:<br />

Physical Education 3101 and 3102 for men, 3103 and 3104 for women.<br />

3203 Curriculum Conshction I 221<br />

A study of the principles of curriculum construction, the hiloso hy of lay,<br />

content, progression and organization of the play ,ygram, ? or aU evels Pf o the<br />

educational program. A curriculum to meet a ecl c sltuatlon wrll he outlined.<br />

Prerequisite: Twelve semester hours of ~hvsic3~ducation or oermissioo of the<br />

chaikan of the deparhneot.<br />

3204 - . Physical , Education for Elementarv Schools I . 321~ -<br />

Phrlosuphy of play. content. rugrerion and organiration of thc play program<br />

for elementary and jnrnior h~g\ schools. Prerequbitn: Twelve semester hows of<br />

Phyr~cal Educution or pemtrrion of the chairman of thc depnrtrnent.<br />

3205 Methods and Materials for Elementary - Schools<br />

Consideration is given to the methods and materials of instruction, the content,<br />

ygression, organization and philoso hy of the play program including rhythms<br />

or the Elementary and Junior High revels. Prerequisite: Twelve semester hours<br />

of physical education or permission of the chairman of the department.<br />

*I<br />

-.<br />

3301 Techniques, Methods and Materials of<br />

Instructions in Rhythms [ 331W<br />

Country, folk, tap and modem dance for the elementary grades. Prerequisite:<br />

Twelve semester hows ot Physical Education or permission of the chairman of<br />

the department.<br />

3302 Techniques, Methods and Materials of Instruction in<br />

Rhythms for High School Grades [ 332W<br />

A class in rhythmical materials in social. country, folk. tap and modern dance.<br />

Prerequisite: Twelve semester hour of Physical Education or permission of the<br />

chairman of the deparhnent.<br />

3401 Coaching Football [ 331<br />

Coaching methods in football. Conditioning, ractice schedules, and fundamentals<br />

are to be stressed. Prerequisite: ~wete semester hours of Physical<br />

Education or permission of the chairman of the department.<br />

3402 Coaching Basketball [ 332<br />

Coa~.hlny, methods in basketball. Conditioning, practice schedules, and funda-<br />

mentals are stressed. Prerequisite: Twelve semester hours of Physical Education<br />

or permission of the chairman of the department.<br />

3403 Coaching Baseball and Track 1 333<br />

Coachmy, methods in baseball and track. conditioning, practice scheduler and<br />

fundamentals are to be stressed. Prerequisite: Twelve semester hours of Physical<br />

Education or permission of the chatman of the drparbnent.<br />


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