Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep


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3340 Renaissance and Reformation, 1300-1648 [ 340<br />

Prerequisite: Twelve semester hours of Hirtory, or six hours of Hihtory and six<br />

hours of other social science. .<br />

3341 The Old Regime, 1648-1789 [ 341<br />

Absolutism in France, Prussia, Austria, Russia, socinl and economic development.<br />

internatlond relations, scientific and intellectual revolution. enlightened despo- ,- 8<br />

tism. P~cre uisitc Twelve semcstcr haurs of History, or six haurs of History and<br />

six hours o? other: social science.<br />

3342 The French Revolution and Napoleon [ 342<br />

prerequisite: Twelve semester hours of History, or six haurr of History and sir<br />

hours of other socinl science.<br />

3343 Liberalism and Nationalism. 1815-1870 [ 343<br />

he Metternichian system and its breakdown, the industrial revolution. the 1830<br />

and 1848 movements, radicalism, the Second French Empire, unification in Italy<br />

and Cermuny. Russian dcvelapment, international relations. Prerequisite: Twelve<br />

semester hours of History, or sir hours of History and six hours of other social<br />

science.<br />

3347 Latin America: The Colonial Period [ 347<br />

A survey of the history and institutional development of Spanish and Portugere<br />

America in the Colonial period. Prerequisite: Twelve semester hours of History,<br />

or sir semester hours of History and six hours of other socinl science.<br />

3348 Latin America: The National Period [ 348<br />

South America since 1810, with special emphasis upon Argentina. Brazil. Chile.<br />

the Monroe Doctrine and Pan-Americanism. Prerequisite: Twelve semester a> ,<br />

hours of History, or six semester hours of History and six hours of other social<br />

science.<br />

3349 Latin America: The National Period [ 349<br />

Thc History of Mexico. Central America, and the Caribbean area smce 1810.<br />

Prerequisile: Twelve semester hours of History, or six semester haurs of History<br />

and six haurs of othcr socinl scicnce.<br />

3350 Diplomatic History of the United States:<br />

Growth and Empire [ 350<br />

International relations of the United States in growing from thirteen colanics to<br />

forty-eight states, from an infant confederation to a far-flung empire. Emphasis<br />

on basic foreign policies. Prerequisite: Twelve semester haurs of History, or sin<br />

hours of Histoty and sin haurr of other social science.<br />

3351 Diplomatic History of the United States:<br />

World Leadership [ NEW<br />

International relations of the United States as a world leader, in an after two<br />

world wars. Emphasis on post-World War I1 problems. Prerequirite: Twelve<br />

semester hours of History. or sir hours of Hirtary and sir hours of other social<br />

science.<br />

3353 A Survey of Political and Social Britain from 1815-1895 [ 353<br />

Tor England, the beginnings of reform, leaders and events in the making of .II I<br />

n:oJcrn Britain. Prerequisite: Twelve semester hours of History, or six hours of<br />

History and six llonlrs of other socinl science.<br />

3354 Britain and the Empire from 1895 to the Present [ 354 -> I<br />

Thc Doer War. the Empire and foreign relations. the Liberal party and internal<br />

rcform, the World War, the Treaty. Britain since 1 lg Pmequisile: Twelve<br />

rcmctcr hours of History, or six hours of History an8 si; hours of other social<br />

sciencc.<br />


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