Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep


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4214 Quantitative Analysis ($4) [ NEW<br />

A one semester course in gravimetric and volumetric analysis with special em-<br />

phasis on ores and metallurgical products. Two lectures and sir laboratory hours F<br />

per week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 3211 or 2211. Not counted in addition to<br />

Chemistry 4213.<br />

3221-22 Organic Chemistry ($2-$2) [ ha-b A study of the fundamental types of carbon compounds. Two lectures and three<br />

laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 4103-04.<br />

2221-22 Organic Chemistry [ NEW<br />

The same as Chemistry 3221-22 hut without the laboratory. Two lectures per<br />

week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 4103-04.<br />

For Undergroduaies and Craduotes<br />

4321-22 Organic Chemistry ($4-$4) [ 8zia-b<br />

A study of the fundamental types of carbon compounds. Three lectures and Eve<br />

laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 4213.<br />

4324 Quantitative Analysis ($4) [ 424<br />

A continuation of Chemistry 4213. TWO lectures and six laboratory hours per<br />

week. P~erequisife: Chemistry 4213.<br />

4460 Physical Chemistry ($4) [ 460<br />

Properties of substances in the aseous, liquid, and solid state; solutions; ther-<br />

mochemistry. Three lectures an% three laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite:<br />

Chemistry 4213 or 4214, Mathematics 3214, and two semesters of Physics.<br />

4461 Physical Chemistry ($4) [ 461<br />

Homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria; kinetics of reaction, electrochemis-<br />

try, and chemical thermodynamics. Three lemmas and three laboratory hours<br />

per week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 4460,<br />

3462 Biochemistry ($2) [ 362<br />

Chemistry o€ food substances, digestion. vitamins, ewes, absorption, and<br />

blood. Two lectures and three laboratory hours per week. Prerequisik: Chemir-<br />

try 3221-22 Or 4321-22.<br />

3463 Biochemistry ($2) [ 363<br />

Immunochemistry, chemistry of respiration, hormones, intermediary metabolism.<br />

etc., with emphasis on cell metabolism. Two lectures and three laboratory hours<br />

per week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 3462.<br />

3468 Principles of Colloid Chemist [ 368<br />

Chemical and physical conditions state. Two lectures and three<br />

lnborotory hours per week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 4460.<br />

4450 Instrumental Methods of Analytical Chemistry ($4) [ NEW<br />

A study of the more important optical and electrical methods of chemical analysis.<br />

Two lectures and six laboratory hours er week Prerequisite: Chemistry 4322,<br />

Mathematics 3214. and two semesters oP~h~~i~~.. 4451 Chemical Spectroscopy ($4) [ NEW<br />

A study of emission spectroscopy and its applications to chemical analysis. Two<br />

lectures and six laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 4213 or 4214. .,<br />

Mathematics 3213 and two semesters of Physics.<br />

2496 to 6496 Introduction to Research ($2 or $4) [ 296-696<br />

Credit will be granted, u to six semester hours, for research satisfactory completed<br />

by advanced stujcnts in the Chemistry De artment Only special1<br />

qualified students approved by the Chairman of the ~Remistry'~epartment wi6<br />

be accepted for this work. Credit will he granted only in the senior year on<br />

the recommendation of the Chairman of the Chemisiq Deparhnent. Prerequi.<br />

site: Permission of the Chairman of the Chemism Department.<br />

70<br />


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