Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep


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Note for minors in Music; A minor in music requires participation in the ensemble of<br />

the major instrument (hand, choir or orchestra), the number of semesters depending<br />

on backaround of student.<br />

Note for Grodunte Staderds m~noring in Music: Part~v~patron In the unsv~r~blc of the<br />

major lnstnuncnt requtred of full-time students registered for 6 or lnnrv \emester hours<br />

in hlu~c: credits are not counted towards the degree.<br />

Mtrsic Theory and Camposition - '1<br />

1. (a) Music' theory-35 semester hours.<br />

(b) Ap lied music-32 semester hours<br />

incluging 18 hours, secondary level.<br />

of the inajar instrument. 8 hours, or<br />

the rqulvalent. of piano. and 6 hours<br />

of secondary instruments.<br />

(c) Music education - 3 semester<br />

hours.<br />

(d) hlusic literature - 12 semester<br />

hours in addition to choral or band<br />

literature token each semester in<br />

residence.<br />

(e) Participation in the ensemble of<br />

the major instrumcnt (choir. band.<br />

or orchestra) cach semester in rcsi-<br />

dence. Onlv 8 semester hours mav<br />

be offered..<br />

(f) Recital participation and/or atten-<br />

dance considered as laboratory far<br />

other music courses.<br />

(g) Essentials of Acoustics and Music<br />

Theory 3113.<br />

English 3101.02, and 3211-12 or 3213-<br />

3213-14 or 321s and 3216.<br />

Government 3210-11; History 3101 and<br />

3102.<br />

Three semesters of Physical Education<br />

(not required of students taking three<br />

scrnesters of Military Science) and<br />

Health Education 3101 (far men) or<br />

3102 (for women as prescribed in the<br />

freshman and sop ornore years.<br />

b<br />

Enough other courses to make at least<br />

128 semester hours including a total of<br />

30 semester hours in advanced courses.<br />

In most cases students will have more<br />

than the minimum number of hours,<br />

depending upon how they elect to<br />

satisfy requircrnents ib, id and le, and<br />

upan the quality of work done in ap-<br />

plied music.<br />

Music Education<br />

For certification in All-level teaching, inskumental or vocal emphasis. (For details,<br />

consult chairman of music department.)<br />

1. Music theory - 2111-12, 3114, 3213- 8. Physics of Sound-3106. Essentials of<br />

14.2315.3411 or 3412. Acoustics and Music Theory-31x3.<br />

2. Applied music- y. Participation in the ensemble of the<br />

lnslmrnentol field: 12 hours, second- major instrunlent (band, orchestra or<br />

ary level, of a major instrument; 4 each semester in residence.<br />

to 6 hours, or equivalent, of piano; 2 23' etalls, consult with department<br />

to A hours of voice and 10 hours of chairman.<br />

~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~<br />

secdndary instruments. lo. Recital participation and/or atten-<br />

Choral field: 12 hours, secondary level, dance considered as laboratory for<br />

of a major instrument (voice, piano, other music courses.<br />

organ). A minimum of 8 hours of both<br />

~iano. or the eauivalent. and voice<br />

11. English 3101-02. Speech-3 semester<br />

ing one secondary instrument in pre- 1,. GOVC,~~,,~ 3210-11. History 3101<br />

paration for ensemble participation; and 3102.<br />

vocalists include Diction 3190.<br />

~3. Three semesters of Physical Education<br />

3. Pre-Professional courses: Ed. 3101-02.<br />

(not required of students taking three<br />

4. Music education - 3336. 3433. 3331. scmestcrs of Military Science) and<br />

3333- Health Education 3101 (for men or -1<br />

-5. Profersionnl Laboratory Experiences 3102 (for in<br />

in Teaching: the freshman and sophomore years.<br />

All-level hlusic Ed. 4401, 4402.<br />

6. Music Literature - 3121 OT 3122 and 14. Electives-9 semester hours.<br />

3321 or 3322. 15. Enough collrses to make at least 128<br />

.7. Fine Arts-3x10; Philosophy 3301 or semester hours including a total of 30<br />

3412. semester hours in advanced courses.<br />

*Sfudenb ullt br uri~ncd lo chord or in~lrvmrnldaxprrirncn,dcpmdin~upon major inrlr~mrnr iderlrd.

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