Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep


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'I<br />

Journalism, Radio and Television<br />

Vmca Hrcns; ]OWN Mmo+.cn. Co-Chairmen<br />

Associate Professors H~cns, MrnoAcn; Assistant Professor RALPH LOWENSTEIN;<br />

Instructor JONES; Lecturers BRUCE Bnoons, Hannoc;<br />

Radio Consultant KAAL 0. W~ER; Director of Educational Programming NICOLL<br />

Realizing the need for trained you" men and women in the Gelds of<br />

journalism, radio and television, <strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Western</strong> coylege offers a complete maiar in<br />

each field with full four-vear oromamr. The Deoarhnent of lournalism. Radio and<br />

~~~~ ~~<br />

Television is or anized on ap;ofe;sional basis. I& programs aim to provide students<br />

with that broa% background in English, economics, political science, business, and<br />

related Gelds, plus a realistic professional training under scasoned journalists and<br />

widely experienced radio instructors. Upon approval by the Chairman of the Depnrtment.<br />

Business Administration 3350. 3351, and 3352 will be accepted for credit as<br />

part of a major or minor in Journalism.<br />

JOURNALISM For Undergroduales<br />

Former<br />

Number<br />

3101 Introduction to Journalism [ 301<br />

Orlentat~on course mto the bjckwound of newspnpcr work nnd other iot~rnal~strc<br />

fierltls. llrcef historv of ~ Amcrrcan nuwsnaners. ~- ~. ~. Desiened to acounint st~rdcnrs wlrh<br />

general newspaper practices<br />

3102 Introduction to News Writing [ 302<br />

A beginning course covering basic principles of news writing and editing,<br />

making use of exercises and assignment materials necessary to practice and apply<br />

-, the principles.<br />

3106 Introductory Course in Public Relations 306~<br />

Orientation course to acquaint the student with the various public relations<br />

media and how to use them. Set up on an elementary basis rimarily for the<br />

non-journalism and radio major. this course presents the role oQpub~ic relations<br />

in modem business, education, government, civic affairs, etc. Instruction and<br />

practice in writing newr releases for newspapers, radio and television.<br />

3107 Elementary Photography ($5) [ 307<br />

Instruction and practice in the rocesses of News Photography. Discussion of<br />

lenses and cameras, along with t\e actual photographic process. Capabilities of<br />

the press camera; exposure and development of film; printing and finishing news<br />

pictures. Two lectures and four laboratory hours per week.<br />

3108 Fields of Photography ($5) [ 308<br />

A continuation of Elementary News Photogra h with special em hasis on press<br />

photogra hy A survey of the various fields ofpxotagraphy inclu&n a practical<br />

workin enowledge of cameras and their most effective uses. Two &ctures and<br />

four la%oratory hours per week. Prerequisite: Journalism 3107 or permission of<br />

the chairman of the depamnent.<br />

3201 News Gathering and Reporting [ 311<br />

Instruction and ractice in interviewing and writing: Discussion of newr sources.<br />

news values. an: various types of news stories; study of the organization of the<br />

.1 newspaper staffs and the news gathering associations. Required of all students<br />

majuring in Journalism. Two lectures and faur practice hours per week. Prere-<br />

ouisite: Sophomore standing including English 3101-02.<br />

+J 3202 News and Copy Reading 1312<br />

Theory of writtng newspaper copy and writing headlines. Special instruction by<br />

newspapel men and women. Required of all students maioring in<br />

:;:8isrn. Two lecturer and faur practice hours per week. Prerequisite:<br />

Sophomore standing including English 3101-02.<br />


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