Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep


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MUSIC<br />

1143 Band, Choir, Orchestra, Varsitonianse ($2) [ 201,211,221,231<br />

Three hours per week. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.<br />

1155 Chorus' ($2) [ 205,215,225,235<br />

A mixed singing organization open to all students interested in any kind of choral<br />

work. Audition is not required. Oratorios and operas are presented with orches-<br />

tral accompaniment. occasionally in combination with the <strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Western</strong> Choir.<br />

Three hours per week. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.<br />

1102 Golddiggers ($2) (Accepted in lieu of P.E. 1102 during fall term) [ 204<br />

A course far girls in dancing, twirling, porn pom and marching activitius; partici-<br />

pation in football shows. including an all-expense-paid trip, and other public<br />

appearances. After one season of Golddigger participation, advanced students<br />

are eligible for positions in "The Rockettes." a very select oup within the Gold-<br />

digger argaoizatioo. Prerequisite: admission by try-out 0°F.<br />

Group Instrucfion For Undergraduates<br />

Class Voice, Piano, High Strings, Low Strings, Reeds, Brass, Percussion<br />

Credit gr'anted only when taken as a minor or elective. Open to all students<br />

interested in playing instruments or in singing. Group study of instruments<br />

listed. teaching methods and fundamentals.<br />

These courses will be designated as Voice 2171. Piano 2171, etc.<br />

2171, 2172, 2271. 2272, 2371. 2372 ($4) 1206. 2 06~~<br />

216. 216~. 226. 226.<br />

Two classes and six practice hours er week. Prerequisite: Preceding course or<br />

placerncnt. (Exception: only $2.00 for Class Voice.)<br />

3190 Diction<br />

A survey collrse in Italian, German and French pronunciation; free bansl'ation<br />

Open to all.<br />

2373-74 Piano Sight Reading Class ($2) [ 227<br />

Emphasis on actual playing eviperience and sight reading at the piano. Two<br />

classes per week. Prerequisite: Junior standing and permission of instructor.<br />

2493 Pedagogy of Voice<br />

Psychological and ph~siological problems in voice-building; stud of the boy<br />

voice. the "monotone, of re isterr in all voice classifications. ~etxods of voice<br />

development through song yiterature. Repertoire and effective interpretation.<br />

Prcreqtrisite: Senior standing in music. or equivalent in vocal study and ex-<br />

perience. Voice 2292, and permission of instructor.<br />

Indiuidual Instruction<br />

Junior and Senior courses on the secondary level may be used for undergraduate<br />

and graduate credit, may be repeated for credit on the undergraduate level.<br />

Individual lessons are intended for students who wish to specialize in voice. piano<br />

and orchestral instruments as well as for those who wish to play or sing for<br />

pleasure only. Students are expected to study on the campus with members of<br />

the <strong>College</strong> music taculty.<br />


3491 Selected Problems in Applied Music ($5 & $45) [ 369<br />

Designed to meet the needs of students in specific areas omitted in prevlous<br />

studies. Required of students who have not taken courses on. their major instr~lments<br />

at <strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>College</strong> within three years of graduation. Two<br />

thirty-minute lessons and twelve practice hours per week. Prerequisite: Applied<br />

Music 2292. senior standing in Music, or equivalent in music, and experience.<br />

and permission of instructor.<br />

3492 Selected Problems in Applied Music ($5 & $45) [ 369K<br />

Two 30-minute lessons and 12 practice hours per week. Prereq.: Music 3491<br />

' May be repeated for credit.<br />

13"<br />

-,<br />


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