Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep


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Bachelor of Science in Education<br />

ssmestm PLAN I - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL i z r m<br />

Hour.<br />

~~-EOOCATION 3101. 3102. 3201. 3301. 12-EN~L1sn 31°1-02 and 3211-12 Or<br />

330% 3303. 3 04. 3403, 3405. 4<br />

3213-14. (A grade average of not<br />

01,<br />

402. (A grade average of not 4esr less than 2.5 is required in English<br />

%an 2.5 is required in this area.) 3101-02. If less than 2.5, English 3220<br />

12-ENGLISH 3101-02 and 3211-12 or<br />

is required).<br />

3213.14. (A grade average of not 6-SPEECH. (A grade average of not less<br />

less than 2.5 is required in English than 2.5 is required in Speech.)<br />

3101-02. If less than 2.5, English 3220<br />

,2-~ABonATonu SCIENCES:<br />

is required ).<br />

hours of Biological Science. and six<br />

6-SPEECH. (A bmde average of not less semester hours of Physical Science.<br />

than 2.5 is required in Speech.)<br />

s-ART AIETHODS 2291 and Music Educa-<br />

6-MATHEMATICS 3101 and 3102.<br />

.-. .<br />

PI-GOVE~NMENT 3210-11, History 101<br />

12-LABOIUTORY SCIENCES: Botany 3101, and 3102. Economics 3101, Socio 9 ogy<br />

Zoology 3101, and six semester hours 3101 and Philosophy 3301.<br />

of Physical Science.<br />

6-PHYSLC&L EDUCATlON: 3 Semesters (not<br />

~-+\IA'LW~\IATICS. 3101 3rd 3100 (hlnth- required of students taking semesrrnattcs<br />

31110 udl not be rcqu~rcd of ters of Military Science) and Health<br />

the studunt n.1,su.r sat~sf ~ctorllv an Education 3101 (for men or 31oz<br />

examination iin the iubiect 1,<br />

(for women) as prescribed in freshman<br />

and sophomore years.<br />

in-PHYSCAL EDUCA-~ON 3205 and Health<br />

Education 3302 and 3101 (for men)<br />

or 3102 (for women): and three se-<br />

mesters of service courser ar ore-<br />

scribed in freshman and sophoAare<br />

years (not required of students taking<br />

3 semesters of Military Science.)<br />

-ELECTIYES to make a minimum total<br />

of 123 semester hours.<br />

-ELECTWES to make a minimum total<br />

of 123 semcster hours.<br />

PLAN 111 - S ~co~o~nu SCHOOL<br />

Requirements Listed under Plan I1 also<br />

ap ly to Plan 111 with the exception of the<br />

sugstitution of a teaching field of ronccntration<br />

of 42 semester hours for requirement<br />

of an academic major and minor.<br />

A teaching field of concentration may<br />

be selected in the social studies. (Far information<br />

concerning teaching field of coocentration,<br />

consult the Chairman of the<br />

Department of Education.)<br />


29-EDUCAT~ON 3101, 3102, 3202. 3204,<br />

330 , 3311, 3419, 4403, 4404 (A<br />

gtn& average of not less than 2.5 is<br />

required in this arca.)<br />


tnq-30-In the first teaching subject. 12<br />

hours of which must be advanced. (A<br />

(Elementary and Secondary)<br />

grade average of not less than z.5.i~ ~n all-levels teaching field may be serequired<br />

in this area.) lected from the following: Art. Music, and<br />

t18- In the second teaching subject, six Physical Education. (For information<br />

hours of which must be advanced. (A about an all-levels teachine ~~~~ ~~~ - field. -~ ~. consult<br />

~~<br />

grade average of not less than 2- s is the Chairman of the Deoartment conrequired<br />

in lhis area.)<br />

cerned. )<br />

fA teaching subject may be selected from OM of the following: Biology. Business Ad-<br />

ministration, Chemistry. English. Foreign Language. History, lournolism, Mathemfics.<br />

Phvsical Education, Physic8, and Speech and Drama. When first teaching subject b<br />

Phydcal Educmion, Chemistry 3x01 will be substituted for Sociology 3101.<br />


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