Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep

Texas Western College 1959-1960.pdf - Utep


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sences caused by serious sickness or other<br />

unavoidable circumstances, in case the<br />

work missed has been done to the satis-<br />

faction of the instructor. shall not count<br />

toward dropping a student from a course.<br />

(c) When, in the judgment of the in-<br />

structor, a student has been absent to such<br />

a degree as to impair his status relative to<br />

credit for the course, the instructor shall<br />

report the absences and the student to his<br />

Dean; and, upon recommendation from<br />

the instructor, the Dean may drop the<br />

student from the course.<br />

(d) Absences incurred by a student<br />

prior to his registration are not to be<br />

charged against raid student, provided the<br />

work missed because of late registration is<br />

made u satisfactorily by the mid-semester<br />

report &te.<br />

Absence from Tests<br />

A student absent from a test during the<br />

semester is graded zero on that test, unless<br />

for urgent reason he is lven by the in-<br />

structor the privilege of taking e port-<br />

poned test at a time to be set by the<br />

instructor.<br />

Tardiness<br />

Hepeated tardiness will be considered<br />

as equivalent to absence from class, and<br />

reported as such.<br />

Amount of Work<br />

Engineering Students-Beginning freshmen<br />

may not register for more than<br />

ninvteen semester hours except with permission<br />

of the Dean. Sophomores, juniors,<br />

and seniors may not register for haurs in<br />

excess of those prescribed in the course of<br />

study except in accordance with the grade<br />

point rule (39 grade points during their<br />

preceding semester), and in no case may<br />

they reglster for more than twenty-one<br />

semester hours.<br />

Arts and Science Students - Beginning<br />

freshmen may not register for more than<br />

nineteen semester hours except with permission<br />

of the Dean.<br />

Other students, with permission of the<br />

Dean, may register for-more than nine-<br />

Official Notices<br />

Official notices are ported on bulletin<br />

boards, read to classes and sent to students<br />

individually. Students are held responsible<br />

for knowledge of and compliance with<br />

such notices.<br />

Classification<br />

Regular Students - Those who are registered<br />

for twelve or more credit hours.<br />

Irregular Students - Those who are regirtered<br />

for less than twelve credit hours.<br />

Freshmen Students-Engineering students<br />

having less than thirty hours of credit;<br />

Arts and Science students havine less<br />

than thirty hours of credit.<br />

Sophomore Students - Engineering stu-<br />

dents: thirty or more, but less than sixty-<br />

six semester hours: Arts and Science stu-<br />

dents: thirty or more. but less than sixty<br />

scmester haurs.<br />

Junior Students - En ineering studeots:<br />

sixty-six or more, but &ss than one hun-<br />

dred and four semester hour; Arts and<br />

Science students: sixty or more, but leas<br />

than nincty semester hours.<br />

Senior Students - Engineering students:<br />

one hundred and four or more semester<br />

hurs and until graduation: Arts and<br />

Science students: ninety or mare semester<br />

hours and until graduation.<br />

Examinations<br />

Ccneral Regulations - All of the written<br />

work handed in by students is considered<br />

to be their own product, prepared withuul<br />

i.n~uthur~zrd dssrsrnnre. Studrnts aru<br />

.~nlted rc) ru-opcmre wlth the11 lnstructoro<br />

ill m.%rlld!rune lhu irrtccr~lv uf emcntno-<br />

~ ~<br />

tions and are strongly-urged to inform<br />

them, wlthout specifying the offenders, if<br />

cheating goes on in their classes.<br />

Students are expected (a) to remain in<br />

the exammatian room during the eramination<br />

or quiz period; (b) to refrain from<br />

talking or smoking; and (c) to leave all<br />

notes and books where they will not be<br />

accessible during the examination or quiz.<br />

teen setxicater hours if the grade s~orc h~s unless otherwise directed by the instructor.<br />

been 39 points for tbu prercdtng n.mrcfer.<br />

A full summer \c:suon ma\ bc cuunterl r\ Final Examinations<br />

a semester.<br />

The Faculty has ruled that exemption<br />

In no case may a student register for from examinations may not be given. To<br />

more than twenty-one semester hours.<br />

encourage preparation for examinations.<br />

A student may not register for more the Faculty has further ruled that during<br />

than seven semester haurs in classes the last seven day5 of each semerter bescheduled<br />

during the evening hours with- fore examinations no written examination<br />

out the written permission of his Dean. or review shall be given; and all essays,<br />

1 -54<br />


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