entire - Deutsche Bank Annual Report 2012

entire - Deutsche Bank Annual Report 2012

entire - Deutsche Bank Annual Report 2012


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<strong>Deutsche</strong> <strong>Bank</strong><br />

<strong>Annual</strong> Review 2010<br />

<strong>Report</strong> of the Supervisory Board<br />

As resolved in October 2009, effi ciency reviews on the basis of company-specifi c<br />

questionnaires were carried out in spring 2010, not only for the Supervisory Board<br />

as a whole, but also for the Chairman’s, Audit and Risk Committees, and the results<br />

were presented and discussed in detail at the subsequent meetings. We are of the<br />

opinion that the work of the Supervisory Board is carried out effi ciently and that<br />

a high stan dard was achieved in this context. Suggestions and measures that had<br />

been recommended in the previous review of the Supervisory Board’s effi ciency were<br />

eff ectively implemented and led to a further increase in the effi ciency of the work<br />

of the Supervisory Board and its committees. In addition, initial suggestions from the<br />

effi ciency reviews were already implemented in 2010.<br />

We determined that the Supervisory Board has what we consider to be an adequate<br />

number of independent members. We also determined that all members of the Audit<br />

Committee are independent as defi ned by the implementation rules of the Securities<br />

and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) issued pursuant to Section 407 of the Sarbanes-<br />

Oxley Act of 2002. Dr. Börsig and Dr. Eick were named as Audit Committee fi nancial<br />

experts in accordance with the regulations of the SEC as well as Sections 107 ( 4 ) and<br />

100 ( 5 ) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG).<br />

The Declaration of Conformity pursuant to Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation<br />

Act (AktG), last issued by the Supervisory Board and Management Board in<br />

October 2009 and updated in January 2010, was reissued at the meeting of the Supervisory<br />

Board on October 27, 2010. <strong>Deutsche</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> AG complies, without exception,<br />

with all of the recommendations in the version of the Code dated May 26, 2010.<br />

A com prehensive presentation of the bank’s corporate governance, including the<br />

text of the Declaration of Conformity issued on October 27, 2010, can be found in the<br />

Financial <strong>Report</strong> 2010 on pages 375 ff . and on our Internet website at http: // www.<br />

deutsche-bank.com / ir / en / content / corporate_governance.htm. The terms of reference<br />

for the Supervisory Board and its committees as well as for the Management<br />

Board are also published there, each in their currently applicable versions.<br />

Training and Further Education Measures<br />

Members of the Supervisory Board completed the training and further education<br />

mea sures required for their tasks on their own. <strong>Deutsche</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> provided the appropriate<br />

support to them in this context. New members joining the Supervisory Board in<br />

2010 were given orientation individually tailored to their levels of knowledge, a package<br />

of information material and opportunities for internal and external training, which<br />

were widely used. All of the members of the Supervisory Board were informed of<br />

the legal basis of the Supervisory Board’s work as part of a workshop carried out by<br />

an external attorney. Furthermore, another external attorney spoke to them on the<br />

Supervisory Board’s responsibilities and task. During the reporting year, two internal<br />

workshops were held for members of the Risk Committee on issues relating to credit,<br />

market and operational risks as well as the economic capital model ( ICAAP ). Together<br />

with staff members of the Finance department and the auditor, the Audit Committee<br />

members discussed the new regulations on accounting and fi nancial reporting. In<br />

addition, members of the Supervisory Board were informed of new developments in<br />

corporate governance.<br />


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