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Tom Collins is best known as the creative genius behind many commercial direct marketing campaigns.<br />

However, two of his fund-raising letters will probably be long remembered after much of<br />

his great commercial work has passed into history.<br />

Among the choices for the all-time classic direct mail letters in Section II was his memorable letter<br />

for the George McGovern presidential campaign. An equally deserving choice could have been<br />

the letter he created to launch the Harry S. Truman Library Institute. The opening six paragraphs<br />

of this highly productive letter show how effective the "you" approach can be in fund-raising as<br />

well as other types of direct mail letters:<br />

Your name is on a list of a selected group of especially aware people<br />

to whom we are extending an invitation.<br />

By this letter, we are inviting you to become an Honorary Fellow of<br />

the Truman Library Institute.<br />

Please let us know within 14 days, by return of the enclosed card,<br />

whether you wish to accept or decline this designation.<br />

In accepting, you will be joining such distinguished Americans as<br />

Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., I.W. Abel, Arthur Goldberg, David E.<br />

Liiienthal, Hubert Humphrey, Clark Clifford, Georgia Neese Clark<br />

Gray, William H. Hastie, and many others in helping to make the<br />

Truman Library a vital part of America's political heritage.<br />

Your tax-deductible annual dues of twenty-five dollars will make it<br />

possible for students, scholars, and authors from everywhere to<br />

come to Independence, Missouri, and avail themselves of the incredibly<br />

rich resource materials the Library contains.<br />

At this crucial point in our history, when our nation is groping for<br />

rededication to honesty, integrity, and credibility in government, you<br />

will be making a significant contribution to keeping alive the spirit of<br />

Harry Truman.<br />

The letter was signed by W. Averell Harriman and John W. Snyder, and had a very effective<br />

postscript:<br />

P.S. For those whose good fortune or achievement permit them to<br />

contribute $100, we have created a special category, Honorary<br />

Associates. New members in this category will receive, in addition<br />

to all of the privileges of Honorary Fellowship listed above,<br />

(1) an exact replica of the famous sign, "The Buck Stops Here,"<br />

that sat on Mr. Truman's desk in the Oval Office of the White<br />

House, and (2) "The Man From Missouri," a little book of memorable<br />

words, wisdom, and wit of Mr. Truman, culled from his<br />

speeches, letters and remarks.<br />

www.greatestsalesletters.com - 270 -

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