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Secret 6: Watch Your Windups. Most sales letters are improved by deleting the first sentence. We<br />

call this sentence a windup because it lets the writer "get into" his subject. But if you don't immediately<br />

arrest the reader's interest, he will not get into the subject, and into the wastebasket go you<br />

and your message. That is why your very first word — your "opening" — must be compelling.<br />

Powerful openings grab the reader in an iron grip.<br />

Secret 7: Write in Three Phases. It's a common misconception that "real" writers do it all effortlessly,<br />

without fumbling. Writing is tentative — a little here, a little there, rather than a master<br />

stroke, complete in an instant. More like sculpting than taking a snapshot. Your first attempts will<br />

never be more than an approximation of what you want. They must be incomplete and clumsy to<br />

some degree. It isn't easy to accept that. But try.<br />

Those who have studied the creative process seem to agree that it is broken into three distinct<br />

phases. In the first phase, you round up facts, absorb ideas, explore approaches. This is a period<br />

of taking in. In the second phase, you put down ideas, make notes, outlines, doodles. You try to get<br />

things out. But there is a third phase: the editorial, critical phase. Here you kill inappropriate<br />

words and ideas. Just as the first two phases were marked by openness, this phase is highly discriminating<br />

and selective. Here you filter, prohibit, weigh and balance subtleties.<br />

When the writer tries to be open to new ideas and at the same time exercise his critical judgment<br />

and filter ideas, he gets into trouble. You cannot do both at the same time.<br />

Secret 8: Put in People. You'd never guess from most sales letters — indeed most business writing<br />

— that there are people on this planet. Is anybody living and breathing out there? Or hoping,<br />

fearing, planning? You'd never think so from a peek at the files. But they are. So the vigorous<br />

writer brings people — himself and the reader — into the action.<br />

When you introduce people into your writing, you help create a word picture of someone doing<br />

something. And a word picture is a lot easier to grasp than an abstract concept, which then must be<br />

translated into specifics in the reader's mind. Put in people.<br />

Secret 9: Mimic the Movies. Good filmmakers keep their cameras moving. If we are watching a<br />

cowboy ride across the prairie, the camera might start with a long shot, zoom in slowly, circle the<br />

man, shoot from ground level, with the sun silhouetting the lonely rider, then rise and shoot down<br />

from a boom or helicopter Just a man and his horse plodding across an open plain. But the agile<br />

camera works its alchemy — and light, shadow, angles, and accents cast their spell.<br />

There's a lesson here for the writer: If you vary the pace, tempo, shading, and beat of your prose,<br />

the reader will find it more interesting.<br />

Secret 10: Keep It Active. Perhaps you've noticed a certain overlapping: If you select selling ideas,<br />

you are inclined to be specific. Something specific is likely to be from the reader's side of the fence,<br />

hence believable. And so it goes: One rule helps another. And if you cast your ideas in active rather<br />

than passive form, your sentences tend to be shorter. They tend to move.<br />


One of the most entertaining speakers on the subject of direct mail is "Rocket" Ray Jutkins. His<br />

presentations are filled with a lot of down-to-earth ideas, including his "Eight Golden<br />

Guidelines" for writing the perfect sales letter.<br />

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www.greatestsalesletters.com - 446 -

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