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mitautaujuqarnirami inuguuq mitautiqaqtuminiutuaqqat<br />

imaaguullarilluni kisiani,<br />

If one is made fun of, the person doing this will fall into the water,<br />

ikajuqtissaqannginnami kisiani. imaagullarilli taima Aalasiup<br />

uinga imaaguuqtuminiq<br />

and will not have a helper. Alasi’s husband died in the water<br />

qallunaaniittuni, imaarvissaunnguanngikkaluaqqat qallunaani<br />

uattijaunginnatuat.<br />

down south even though it did not seem dangerous. They have lifeguards down south.<br />

imaaguuqtuni aanniaviliaqsimalluni utinngiinnarniku.<br />

He died in the water; he had gone south for medical reasons and never came back.<br />

imaani puijjuraqtuni puinngiinnarniku, tainna taima<br />

tuquttisimajuviniq taissuminga mitautiqaqtuni.<br />

He was swimming in the water but did not come back to the surface. He was the one<br />

that made fun of the Taliilajuuq and killed it.<br />

taima tagga mitautaugiaqanngittuutigivait imaulli<br />

ikajuqtiqutigimmagit.<br />

That is why they should not be made fun of. They are the helpers and they can help.<br />

taakkua surusiullutik qiturngakka takusimammijut Sailakkut<br />

taimaittumik.<br />

When my children were young, one of them, Saila, had seen one.<br />

uvangali takulauqsimanngittunga tusaumattiatuinnaqtunga.<br />

As for myself I have not actually seen one, but I have heard about them.<br />

taakkua surusiullutik pauttuattalimmiittuta tininnirmiittuq ilaak<br />

imaak allaat vaivairniraqtaulauqsimajuq.<br />

When they were young children, we were at Pauttuattalik. They saw one in the low tide<br />

and it waved goodbye to them.<br />

Stories – Sea People 197

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