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amount of change between individual species, represented by the proportion of shared sites, to be<br />

used not only to construct dendrograms, but to provide an indication as to when particular radiations<br />

took place.<br />

For example. restriction mapping of mitochondrial DNA from both black and white<br />

rhinoceros has helped provide an estimate of their time of divergence from a common ancestor to<br />

compare with fo ss il evidence (O'Ryan and Harley, 1993). An illustration of the use of restriction<br />

mapping in sys tematics is shown in Figure 8.2. Dendrograms were constructed from mitochondrial<br />

DNA restriction maps for a number of individual bovid species taken from four tribes, Tragelaphini,<br />

Antilopini, Connochaetini and Alcelaphini, analyzed by a distance method and by maximum<br />

parsimony. In the absence of a suitable outgroup the maximum parsimony tree was rooted using<br />

information from the distance analysis. The only difference between the topologies produced by<br />

these two very different tree-building methods is in the positions of the Tragelaphine antelopes<br />

relative to each other, and the exchange of Red Hartebeest Alcelaphus caama and Tsessebe<br />

Damaliscus luna/us. It is noteworthy that in general the topologies are consistent with current<br />

classifications.<br />

Cladograms are generally more concerned with the branching order than with branch lengths,<br />

although the number of shared derived characters supponing each node are frequently indicated, as<br />

here, and can provide an indication of relative branch length. Other statistical approaches, such as<br />

the consistency index, which here = 0.55, and the bootstrap (Felsenstein, 1985), can be used to assess<br />

the robustness or otherwise of the overall topology or of pa!1icular monophyletic groupings. The<br />

distance tree is particularly concerned with relative branch lengths, from which its estimate of the<br />

topology is derived, and if a calibration is available, can give an estimate of when lineages divided.<br />

A detailed critique of the relative merits of the two methods is beyond the scope of thi s article, but is<br />

the subject of much controversy (sometimes acrimonious). The major weakness of the cladistic<br />

approach for molecular data is the amount of unrecognized homoplasy in the data, and the major<br />

weakness of the distance approach is the degree of stochastic error when measuring small numbers of<br />

random events.<br />

A similar study using the restriction mapping method was performed on mitochondrial DNA<br />

prepared from twelve members of the Odontoceti (toothed whales). Distance analyses showed<br />

surprisingly little variation between members of the Delphinidae (dolphins). This indicated an<br />

unexpectedly recent radiation in the Delphinidae, and therefore directs further study to a reevaluation<br />

of the fos sil record, or to the need for studies on the calibration of the molecular clock in<br />

marine mammals.<br />

DNA Sequencing<br />

This method is able to provide information at any level of phylogenetic analysis. and is the method of<br />

choice for definitive systematic studies. The ability to obtain sequence data from long dead tissues<br />

provides totally novel uses for museum material and the opportunity to demonstrate the phylogenetic<br />

affinities of extinct species. For example, DNA extracted and amplified from 14,000 year-old bones<br />

of the <strong>sa</strong>bre-toothed cat Smilodon jaJalis have affirmed the placement of Smilodon within the modem<br />

radiation of Felidae. The advent of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique as a means of<br />

amplifying specific regions of DNA suitable for sequencing has greatly enhanced and simplified the<br />

use of DNA sequencing, making it the method of choice for many applications. Aligned DNA<br />


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