Annual Report 2011-2012

Annual Report 2011-2012

Annual Report 2011-2012


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<strong>Annual</strong> Research <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2012</strong><br />

Design and Implementation of a New Baseband Modem for<br />

SEM400 Radio Modem<br />

Research Department : Communication<br />

Research Center: Power Systems Control & Dispatching<br />

Producer : Sazgan Ertebat Company<br />

Introduction:<br />

Today, power distribution companies are pursuing systems of the distribution<br />

automation, for the sake of increasing efficiency, producing reliable power and<br />

decreasing the costs of the maintenance and use. It is obvious that reaching to the<br />

mentioned aims is not practical without using reliable and fast communication<br />

networkS.In comparison, radio links from the perspective of cost, and simplicity of<br />

installation and use is better than other ways of communicationS.According to large<br />

benefits and applications of radio systems for transforming data, a sample model of<br />

UHF radio modem (NRM 400 model) designed and produced as a research project in<br />

Niroo research institute (NRI) and after performing initial tests, it was abdicated private<br />

part. NRM400 modem radio was industrialized during new project as support and<br />

supervision of radio modem industrial productioN.This modem consists of two parts,<br />

base band part and RF part, which separately and together passed all of standard<br />

testS.This modem is now produced by Sazegan-Ertebat Company entitled SEM400.<br />

However, the Baseband block of SEM400 has several drawbacks as follows:<br />

• Obsolete parts<br />

• High bandwidth consumption<br />

• Low processing power for more complex tasks<br />

So new project of design and implementation base band modem is approved as a<br />

research and producing project in NRI. We use strong digital processor in this project.<br />

The main characteristics of the radio modem:<br />

• Low cost.<br />

• Simple installation, operation and application.<br />

• Tuning ability of the system parameters by software:<br />

- operation frequency limit: 403-419 MHz<br />

- output power limit of the transmitter:0.5-6 watt<br />

- transmitted bit rate: 9600 bit per second<br />

• Reading and adjusting the parameters of the system, testing the radio link and<br />

transmitting and receiving data by every standard software of the serial port<br />

(Hyper terminal,Term 95)<br />


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