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96 can • capacitive coupling<br />

can 1. A metal enclosure or container roughly resembling<br />

a tin can (though not necessarily cylindrical),<br />

used for shielding or potting components.<br />

2. Colloquial expression for HEADPHONE.<br />

Canada balsam A transparent cement derived<br />

from the turpentine distilled from balsam fir<br />

resin. It is useful in optical technology and in certain<br />

areas of electro-optics.<br />

Canadian Standards Association The Canadian<br />

equivalent of the National Bureau of Standards in<br />

the United States. An agency that publishes<br />

agreed-on standards for industries.<br />

cancel character 1. IGNORE CHARACTER. 2. A<br />

control character indicating that the associated<br />

data is erroneous.<br />

cancellation The elimination of one quantity by<br />

another, as when a voltage is reduced to zero by<br />

another voltage of equal magnitude and opposite<br />

sign.<br />

candela Symbol, cd. The SI unit of luminous intensity;<br />

1 cd represents 1⁄60 of the radiating power of<br />

one square centimeter of a perfect radiator at the<br />

temperature of freezing platinum.<br />

candle Abbreviation, c. Also called international<br />

candle. A unit of light intensity that is the value of<br />

emission by the flame of a sperm-whale-oil candle<br />

burning at the rate of 7.776 grams per hour.<br />

candle power Abbreviation, cp. Luminous intensity<br />

in international candles: the luminous intensity<br />

resulting from the burning of a<br />

sperm-whale-oil candle at 7.776 grams per hour.<br />

candoluminescence White light produced without<br />

extreme heat.<br />

cannibalization The deliberate use of parts from<br />

operational equipment to temporarily repair or<br />

maintain other equipment. It is a last-resort,<br />

emergency measure.<br />

cap 1. Abbreviation of CAPACITANCE. 2. Abbreviation<br />

of CAPACITOR.<br />

capacimeter See CAPACITANCE METER.<br />

capacitance Symbol, C. Unit, farad. The property<br />

exhibited by two conductors separated by a dielectric,<br />

whereby an electric charge becomes<br />

stored between the conductors. Capacitance is<br />

thought of as analogous to mechanical elasticity.<br />

Also see FARAD.<br />

capacitance bridge A four-arm ac bridge for gauging<br />

capacitance against a standard capacitor. In<br />

its simplest form, it has a standard capacitor in<br />

one arm and resistors in the other three.<br />

capacitance coupling The transfer of ac energy<br />

between two circuits or devices by a capacitor or<br />

capacitance effect. Also see COUPLING.<br />

capacitance diode See VARACTOR.<br />

capacitance divider An alternating-current voltage<br />

divider that uses capacitors, rather than resistors.<br />

It is used in certain oscillators, such as<br />

the Colpitts type.<br />

capacitance filter A filter consisting of only a<br />

high-capacitance capacitor. Because the capacitor<br />

cannot discharge instantaneously, it tends to<br />

maintain its voltage and smooth out the ripples in<br />

the voltage applied to it.<br />

capacitance-inductance bridge A combination ac<br />

bridge that can be used for either capacitance or<br />

inductance measurement. Both capacitance and<br />

inductance can be measured in terms of a standard<br />

capacitance; however, some of these bridges<br />

use standard inductors in the inductancemeasuring<br />

mode.<br />

capacitance meter A direct-reading meter for<br />

measuring capacitance. In most available types, a<br />

stable ac voltage is applied to the meter circuit, to<br />

which an unknown capacitor is connected in series;<br />

meter deflection is roughly proportional to<br />

the reactance of the capacitor. Also called MI-<br />


capacitance ratio In a variable capacitor, the ratio<br />

of maximum to minimum capacitance.<br />

capacitance relay A relay circuit that operates<br />

from a small change in its own capacitance. It<br />

consists of an RF oscillator whose tank capacitance<br />

is very low. When a finger is brought near<br />

the circuit’s short pickup antenna, the attendant<br />

increase in capacitance detunes the oscillator,<br />

activating the relay. Also called PROXIMITY RE-<br />


capacitance-resistance bridge A combination ac<br />

bridge that can be used for either capacitance or<br />

resistance measurement. The unknown resistance<br />

is measured against a standard resistor;<br />

the unknown capacitance against a standard capacitor.<br />

capacitance sensor See CAPACITANCE TRANS-<br />

DUCER.<br />

capacitive amplifier See DIELECTRIC AMPLI-<br />

FIER.<br />

capacitive attenuator An ac attenuator whose elements<br />

are capacitors in any desired combination<br />

of fixed and/or variable units. The desired attenuation<br />

is afforded by the capacitance ratio.<br />

capacitive coupling A means of coupling between<br />

circuits that uses a series capacitor for directcurrent<br />

blocking. The signal passes through the<br />

capacitor, but the blocking effect allows different<br />

bias voltages to be applied to the two stages.<br />

+<br />

capacitive coupling

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