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364 inertia relay • information superhighway<br />

inertia relay A time-delay relay whose operation is<br />

slowed by the addition of weights or other attachments.<br />

inertia switch A switch that can sense a disturbance<br />

of its inertia.<br />

inference engine A circuit that gives instructions<br />

to a computer or robot, by applying programmed<br />

rules to commands issued by a human operator.<br />

Comprises the functional portion of an EXPERT<br />

SYSTEM.<br />

infinite Pertaining to a quantity or region that has<br />

no defined limits.<br />

infinite baffle A loudspeaker baffle having no<br />

openings for the passage of sound from the front<br />

to the back of the speaker cone.<br />

infinite-impedance detector A detector that offers<br />

the very high input impedance of a gatesource<br />

circuit and the large-signal capabilities of<br />

a diode detector. Audio-frequency output is taken<br />

across the source resistor, which is bypassed for<br />

radio-frequency signals. There is no drain resistor.<br />

Drain current increases with the input signal<br />

from a very low value at zero signal level.<br />

RF input<br />

L1<br />

L2<br />

C1<br />

C2<br />

−B<br />

R1<br />

C3<br />

infinite-impedance detector<br />

R3<br />

AF<br />

output<br />

R2<br />

+B<br />

infinite line See INFINITE TRANSMISSION LINE.<br />

infinite regress A reasoning pattern (either human<br />

or machine-based) that is fallacious because<br />

it defines or explains something in terms of itself.<br />

infinite sample space In statistics, a sample<br />

space having no definite limits.<br />

infinite series A mathematical series in which the<br />

number of terms is limitless. For example, 1 ⁄6 = 0.1<br />

+ 0.06 + 0.006 + 0.0006 + . . .<br />

infinitesimal 1. A quantity, such as a differential,<br />

that approaches zero as the limit. 2. Pertaining to<br />

a quantity whose magnitude is extremely small or<br />

negligible. 3. Pertaining to an extremely small<br />

change in a quantity or measured value.<br />

infinite transmission line A theoretical transmission<br />

line with normal characteristics, but extending<br />

away from the signal generator or receiver for<br />

a limitless distance.<br />

C4<br />

infinity Symbol, ∞. A quantity that is unlimited in<br />

duration or dimension. A quantity that increases<br />

without limit is sometimes said to “approach infinity.”<br />

infix notation A system of logical operation notation<br />

wherein operands are separated by operators,<br />

thus, A & B, where the ampersand means<br />



infobond On a printed circuit board, a form of<br />

wiring on the side opposite the components. The<br />

wiring is used in place of the foil normally on<br />

such a circuit board.<br />

information 1. Collectively, data or communications,<br />

excluding the symbols or signals used to<br />

describe, present, or store them. 2. The result of<br />

data processing (i.e., that which is derived from<br />

the compilation, analysis, and distillation of<br />

data).<br />

information bits In an encoded signal, data characters<br />

or digits that can be treated to give information<br />

(excluding control characters).<br />

information center A storage bank designed for<br />

use by many different subscribers, via computer.<br />

information channel A channel through which<br />

data and associated signals are transmitted and<br />

received.<br />

information feedback system In message transmission,<br />

a control system in which intelligence<br />

received at a terminal is returned to the sending<br />

unit for automatic verification.<br />

information gate A device or circuit that opens<br />

and closes an information channel.<br />

“information processor” species Anything that<br />

uses data to derive conclusions, to produce other<br />

data, or to take specific actions, and whose functioning<br />

can be explained entirely on the basis of<br />

data-processing operations. This includes computers<br />

and smart robots. Many (but not all) scientists<br />

believe that animals are also included;<br />

some believe that human beings qualify as well.<br />

information retrieval In digital computer and<br />

data-processing operations, the categorizing and<br />

storage of information and the automatic recall of<br />

specific file items. Also see ACCESS TIME.<br />

information separator An indicator that separates<br />

items of information or fields in a (usually<br />

variable-length) record.<br />

information storage In digital computer and data<br />

processing operations, holding information in<br />

memory pending retrieval.<br />

information superhighway 1. General expression<br />

for a worldwide network consisting of computers<br />

(personal, educational, industrial, and government)<br />

interconnected by telephone lines. 2. See<br />

INTERNET. 3. A massive, evolving, somewhat<br />

controversial data communication network linking<br />

computers, television, and telephone systems.<br />

It uses high-speed, high-volume data links.<br />

Communication technologies include fiberoptics,<br />

radio-frequency repeaters, microwaves, geosta-

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