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386 jammer • job stream<br />

tween or among other stations. 2. A radio operator<br />

who engages in the practice of deliberately<br />

JAMMING communications between or among<br />

other stations.<br />

jamming The deliberate use of countermeasures,<br />

such as malicious transmission of interfering signals,<br />

to obstruct communications.<br />

jamming effectiveness The extent to which JAM-<br />

MING is able to disrupt a service. It can be expressed<br />

quantitatively as the ratio of jamming<br />

signal voltage to jammed signal voltage. It can<br />

also be determined according to the percentage of<br />

data that is effectively obliterated.<br />

JAN Abbreviation of JOINT ARMY-NAVY.<br />

janet A system for point-to-point communication<br />

via meteor-trail forward scatter. It is generally<br />

used at very high frequencies (VHF).<br />

Jansky noise Wideband, high-frequency electromagnetic<br />

noise generated by objects in interstellar<br />

and intergalactic space.<br />

J antenna An end-fed half-wave antenna having a<br />

quarter-wave, parallel-wire matching section. The<br />

entire antenna, when oriented vertically, resembles<br />

the letter J.<br />

Coaxial<br />

line<br />

J antenna<br />

Radiator<br />

λ/2<br />

Matching<br />

section<br />

λ/4<br />

Janus antenna array (from Janus, an ancient Roman<br />

god.) A Doppler-navigation antenna array<br />

radiating forward and backward beams.<br />

jar 1. (From Leyden jar) An obsolete unit of capacitance<br />

equal to 1/900 microfarad. 2. The container<br />

for the elements of a storage cell.<br />

JASA Abbreviation for Journal of the Acoustical Society<br />

of America.<br />

J-carrier system In carrier-current (wired/wireless)<br />

telephony, a broadband system that provides<br />

12 telephone channels at frequencies up to<br />

140 kHz.<br />

JCET Abbreviation of Joint Council on Educational<br />

Television.<br />

JCL Abbreviation of job control language.<br />

J-display A radar display having a circular time<br />

base. The transmitted pulse and reflected (target)<br />

pulse are spaced around the circumference; distances<br />

can be measured circumferentially between<br />

them.<br />

JEDEC Acronym for Joint Electron Device Engineering<br />

Council.<br />

jerk The rate of change of acceleration; the third<br />

derivative of displacement.<br />

JETEC Acronym for Joint Electron Tube Engineering<br />

Council.<br />

jewel bearing A low-friction bearing used in electric<br />

meters and other sensitive devices. It takes<br />

its name from a jewel pivot (such as a sapphire) in<br />

the groove of which rides the pointed end of a rotating<br />

shaft. Also called jeweled bearing or jewel.<br />

jezebel A passive sonobuoy used in military applications.<br />

It detects enemy submarine noises, and<br />

transmits them by radio to a monitoring station.<br />

JFET Abbreviation of junction field-effect transistor.<br />

JHG Abbreviation of JOULE HEAT GRADIENT.<br />

jig A device constructed especially for the purpose<br />

of holding an equipment or circuit board during<br />

its repair.<br />

jitter A (usually small and rapid) fluctuation in a<br />

phenomenon, such as a quantity or wave, because<br />

of noise, mechanical vibration, interfering<br />

signals, or similar internal or external disturbances.<br />

It is used especially in reference to<br />

cathode-ray-tube (CRT) displays.<br />

J/K Abbreviation for joule(s) per Kelvin, the SI unit<br />

of entropy; also the unit for the Boltzmann constant.<br />

J-K flip-flop A transistor-resistor flip-flop stage<br />

producing an output signal even when both inputs<br />

are in the logic 1 state (high). It is so called<br />

because its input terminals are labeled J and K.<br />

J/(kg•K) Abbreviation for joule(s) per kilogram<br />

Kelvin, the SI unit of specific heat capacity.<br />

job A unit of computer work, usually consisting of<br />

several program runs.<br />

job control language An operating system language<br />

used to describe the control requirements<br />

for jobs within the system.<br />

job control program A program that uses control<br />

language statements and implements them as instructions<br />

controlling a job in an operating system.<br />

job control, stacked See SEQUENTIAL-STACKED<br />


job flow control To control the order of jobs being<br />

processed by a computer to make the most efficient<br />

use of peripherals and central processor<br />

time—either manually or by an operating system.<br />

job library A series of related sets of data that will<br />

be loaded for a given job.<br />

job-oriented terminal A terminal that produces<br />

data in computer-ready form.<br />

job statement A control statement identifying the<br />

beginning of a series of job control statements for<br />

a job.<br />

job step The execution of a computer program according<br />

to a job control statement; several job<br />

steps can be specified by a job.<br />

job stream In a processing system, a group of consecutively<br />

run jobs.

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