Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University


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constitution and its amendments, which are ofparticular interest to the criminal justice practitioner.CJM 3302 Procedural Criminal Law 3,0Exposes the student to various procedural issues in theimplementation of the criminal law function. Thecourse focuses on issues of arrest, search and seizure,admittance of evidence and the rights of the accused.This course also serves as a legal update of currentchanges in the law.CJM 3303 Criminal Justice Liability Law 3,0Explores the area of liability law, as it relates to thefunction of criminal justice. Areas to be covered areliability issues regarding use of force, civil rightsviolations and failure to respond.CJM 3304 Administrative Law 3,0Explores areas of administrative law and its impact onthe function of bureaucracies and public agencies. Thecourse will focus on legal principles which affect themanagement of public agencies.CJM 3306 Prin. of Mgmt. in Criminal Justice 3,0A study of management functions in a moderncriminal justice organization, the internal and externalenvironmental factors affecting organizationalefficiency, and the application of quantitative andbehavioral science. The function of the leader andprinciples of management are viewed from anintegrative perspective, including line and staffinteractions and relationships. Theories ofmanagement, authority and responsibility, issues ofcentralization and decentralization, planning,organizing, staffing, directing and controlling will alsobe studied in the course.CJM 3307 Human Res. Mgmt. in Criminal Justice 3,0This course examines the principles, methods andprocedures in personnel management as they apply to thefield of criminal justice. Included in the study are: jobanalysis, description and classification; employee morale;labor turnover; recruitment, selection, placement, rating andpromotion; transfer and layoff; wage policies and employeeservice programs.CJM 3310 Fin. & Budgeting in Criminal Justice 3,0This course studies the principles of budgeting andfinance in a public agency, which deals with thecriminal justice system. The student will gain anunderstanding of fiscal principles and how theprinciples apply to the operation of a public agency.Budgets, revenue systems and internal servicefunctions will be analyzed. Prerequisites: MTH 1330.CJM 3311 Crime and Delinquency 3,0This course studies the principal causes of crime fromthree perspectives: sociological, the criminal justicesystem, and corrections. The student will examineboth historical and contemporary sociological researchin these areas. The course will explore issues such ascrime causation and the involvement of the criminaljustice and corrections systems in these issues.CJM 3312 Psychology of the Criminal Offender 3,0Exposes the student to the distressful, painful andoften devastating effects of maladaptive behavior. Thecourse will explore the interwoven biological,psychological and social antecedents and correlates ofcriminal behavior. Psychological issues and theirrelation to criminal and anti-social behavior will bestudied. Personal and societal attitudes, feelings andvalues about criminal and anti-social behavior will bediscussed extensively.CJM 3313 Forensic Science and Criminalistics 3,0This course provides the student with a generalunderstanding of physical scientific methods utilizedin criminal investigative operations. Using laboratorymethods of instruction, the course will expose thestudent to the current advances in Criminalistics.CJM 3314 Ethics in Criminal Justice Ops. 3,0This course focuses on ethical issues and decisionaldilemmas faced by professionals in the criminal justiceand law enforcement setting.CJM 3315 Decision-Making in Criminal Justice Ops 3,0This course provides students with the opportunity to applythe knowledge accumulated during the program. Using theprinciples and theories learned, as well as, the sharedexperiences learned from each participant's professional life,students will be able to successfully address and discusscritical decisions which need to be made in the course ofoperating criminal justice agencies and the consequences ofthese decisions.CJM 3316 Future Studies in Criminal Justice Ops 3,0This course investigates the predictive variables incriminal justice operations that may lead to operationalrealities in the 21st century. Students will examine thepast and present in criminal justice operations. Thestudent will engage in the scholarly analysis of events,past and present, to forecast the future intelligently.Return to Table of Contents15.04.11 CommunicationCOM 1311 Sign Language & Deafness - Beginning 3,0The study of American Sign Language (ASL) as used bydeaf people in the United States and Canada . The coursewill include a study of the unique culture of deaf people.COM 1312 Sign Language & Deafness – Intermed. 3,0An intermediate study of American Sign Language (ASL)as used by deaf people in the United States and Canada .Prerequisite: COM 1311 or consent of instructor.<strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> Page 106

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