Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University


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major non-Christian religions of the modern world,including Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism,with brief attention to minor religions and non-theisticreligion. Prerequisite: REL 1301 and REL 1311.Return to Table of Contents15.04.39 ScienceSCI 1401 Scientific ThoughtClassroom and laboratory investigations into themethods of seeking knowledge through activities inwhich the students will experience being scientists,working in a laboratory, doing experiments, handlingand recording data, organizing and classifying thedata, and drawing inferences using empirical methods.SCI 3303 Geology and Ecology : Southwestern U.S.A field study of major landforms and wildlifeassociated with the desert Southwest. This courseemphasizes recognition of depositional and erosionalfeatures, identification of wildlife, and the interactionsbetween biotic and abiotic components of desertecosystems. Also includes a study of environmentalconcerns and conservation efforts in the deserts of theSouthwest. Offered during Spring Break and/orsummer and requires extensive physical exertion and"roughing it." Additional fee for course paid at thetime of registration. Prerequisite: Consent ofinstructor.SCI 3304 Geology and Ecology of HawaiiA field study of volcanism and the biological andphysical factors which have influenced the ecologicaldevelopment of the Hawaiian Islands . This courseemphasizes recognition of geologic features, wildlifeidentification, and a study of environmental concernsand conservation efforts in Hawaii . Offered duringSpring Break and/or summer and requires extensivephysical exertion and "roughing it." Additional fee forcourse paid at time of registration. Prerequisite:Consent of instructor.SCI 3305 Science & Health for Elem Teachers I 2,2Content and teaching methods for science and healthin the elementary school. Application of childdevelopment theories in the teaching of science andhealth. Emphasis on active involvement of the child ininquiry. Extensive field experience required.Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher EducationProgram and EDU 3411.SCI 3306 Science & Health for Elem Teachers II 2,2Continuation of SCI 3305. Prerequisites: Admission to theTeacher Education Program, SCI 3305, and EDU 3412.SCI 4310 Natural Science Research ProjectStudents will plan, execute, and report on a researchproject under the supervision of a Natural Sciencefaculty member. A senior level course for naturalscience majors and environmental science majorsonly; graded on a Pass/Fail basis. May be repeatedonce for credit.Return to Table of Contents15.04.40 SociologySOC 1301 Introduction to Sociology 3,0Application of sociological analysis and concepts toAmerican society.SOC 2306 Race and Ethnic Relations 3,0Emphasis on race and ethnic relations as a nationalconcern with emphasis on these concerns in theSouthwest. Cross-listed as HIS 2306 (when taken inthe College of Adult Education it is not cross-listed).Prerequisite: SOC 1301 or HIS 1301 or HIS 1302.SOC 2331 Social Psychology 3,0Examination of cultural and psychological influencesin the development of individuals and societies. Crosslistedas PSY 2331. Prerequisites: PSY 1311 and SOC1301.SOC 2341 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences 3,0An introduction to the fundamentals of descriptive andinferential statistics, especially as they apply t thebehavioral and social sciences. Cross-listed asPSY2341. Prerequisite: PSY 1311 or SOC 1301.SOC 3301 Urbanization (Demography) 3,0City development especially in the United States andexamination of the social implications of urbanization.Prerequisite: Six academic hours of sociology,including SOC 1301.SOC 3302 Marriage and Family 3,0Study and analysis of dating, marriage and the familyin North America . Prerequisite: SOC 1301.SOC 3303 Social Gerontology 3,0Study and analysis of aging in the United States ;secondary reference to the elderly in selected countriesof the world. Prerequisite: Six academic hours ofsociology, including SOC 1301.SOC 3304 History & Culture: Mexican American 3,0An analysis of the history and culture of the MexicanAmerican people. Prerequisite: Six academic hours ofhistory. Cross-listed as HIS 3304.SOC 3311 Criminology and Crime 3,0The examination of crime, criminals, corrections, andcommunity response; criminology theories andcorrectional systems. Prerequisite; Six academic hoursof sociology, including SOC 1301.SOC 3321 Sociological Theory 3,0An examination of both historical and contemporary<strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> Page 131

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