Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University


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LTC 5331 Rdg. across the Curriculum: All LevelsPhilosophy of developmental reading; methods andmaterials; scope and sequence of beginning readingskills through reading in the content areas of math,science, social studies and English; evaluation ofreading programs; adaptations for individualdifferences.LTC 5333 Literature and LiteracyComprehensive study of diverse types of literature forchildren and early adolescents; evaluation andselection of books with regards to needs and interestsof students; storytelling techniques; curriculumapplications; reference to meeting needs of specialneeds students.LTC 5336 Literacy Imp. & Remediation PracticumThe case study proposal created in MED 5305 will beimplemented in this class. Field-based basic practicumin remediation and literacy improvement emphasizingselection and use of appropriate methods and materialsunder supervision; applies evaluation and diagnostictechniques. The Case Study proposal created in MED5305 will be implemented in this class. This courseserves as the capstone requirement for the AdvancedLiteracy Instruction sequence. Prerequisite: LTC 5330,LTC 5331, LTC 5339, MED 5305.LTC 5337 Ind. Study in Adv. Literacy InstructionThis course requires an individual study projectemphasizing close reading and discussion of issuesand trends in advanced literacy instruction. Thiscourse can be used only with prior approval of theGraduate Education Committee.LTC 5338 Reading and Literacy ProgramsSelection, administration and evaluation of readingprograms and instructional strategies appropriate forliteracy development in the regular classroomenvironment. Prerequisites: LTC 5330 and LTC 5331.LTC 5339 Eval. & Diagnosis of Literacy NeedsExploration of symptoms and causes of ineffectivereading and writing skills. Under supervision andguidance, students develop strategies and techniquesfor evaluation and diagnosis of strengths andweaknesses in a struggling reader and/or writer.Students select, administer and evaluate assessmentinstruments, interpret assessment outcomes, andprovide professional recommendations for futureinterventions. Prerequisites: LTC 5330 and LTC 5331.MED 5300 Introduction to the Education ProcessThis course is an introduction to the roles andresponsibilities of the teacher; the characteristics oftoday's schools and curriculum; and selected issuesfacing today's teachers. Working with apractical/methods approach, students will addresswriting of instructional objectives and lesson plans,principles of classroom organization and management,delivery strategies, and group practices. Students willlearn to apply learning theories to the instructionalprocess. An understanding of learning styles andmultiple intelligences will be developed. Students willbe exposed to the language and various acronyms thatare part of the current educational culture.MED 5301 Tchr Effectiveness & Comm. Tech.Answers the question "What do effective teachers doin common?" This course examines innovativemethodology in teaching and communication skills toapply to the diverse educational settings of the 21stcentury. (Instructional Leadership Developmentcertification offered through this course)MED 5302 Learning Thry & Instructional DesignThis course studies the influence of learning theoryand cognitive psychology on instructional design inAmerican education.MED 5303 Curriculum Design and PracticeThis course provides an intensive study of pedagogicalapproaches and materials for teaching in schools, suchas state curriculum documents and the curricularrecommendations of professional associations.Specific emphasis will be given to study of alternativeapproaches to curriculum theory, design, practice andevaluation.MED 5304 The Teacher as Instructional LeaderThis course examines the role of teacher in curriculumdesign and inquiry, instructional teaming, integrationof content matter, and meeting the needs of diversepopulations in educational settings.MED 5305 The Classroom Teacher as ResearcherStudy of research methodology which exploresvarious research modules, analyzes examples ofresearch to identify models of acceptable andunacceptable research, and develops skills in usingstatistical techniques which enable the classroomteacher to be a reflective practitioner. Students willcomplete one of the following requirements:Advanced Literacy students will complete aproposal for their case study.Curriculum & Instruction students willcomplete a proposal for their theses.Early Childhood students will complete anImplementation Plan for ECE 5346 TheResearch Seminar in ECE.Educational Administration students willcomplete an Implementation Plan for theirPracticum.<strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> Page 77

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