Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University


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data processing, economic analysis, capital budgeting,management and financial control, and behavioralscience. Prerequisite: ACC 2302.ACC 3370 Auditing Theory and Practice 3,0Principles and procedures applied by independentauditors and internal auditors, responsibilities ofauditors, development of audit programs,accumulation of evidence, statistical and EDP auditingapplications and reporting. Prerequisite: ACC 2302.ACC 3380 Advanced Financial Accounting 3,0Accounting problems in respect to multiple ownership,consolidated financial statements and partnershipaccounts; foreign currency translations; segmentalreporting, and advanced accounting theory.Prerequisite: ACC 2302.ACC 3381 Accounting Theory 3,0Provides the mature accounting student a frame ofreference in the understanding of financial accountingand financial theory. Students will develop insight intothe logic behind current accounting practice as well asthe development of new practices and procedures.Prerequisite: ACC 2302. Completion also of ACC3301 and ACC 3302 is preferred.ACC 4310 Accounting Internship 3,0Provides students with job searching skills, on-the-jobwork experience and training related to academiceducation and long-term goals. May be repeated oncefor credit as an elective, but only three academic hourswill count toward any accounting major. An upperlevelcourse for business majors. Graded on a pass/failbasis.Return to Table of Contents15.04.02 AnthropologyANT 1301 Introduction to Anthropology 3,0A broad examination of the field of anthropology.Primary emphasis will be placed on culturalanthropology. Also included will be a briefintroduction to the field of physical anthropology.15.04.03 ArtART 1302 Survey of Art History 3,0This class is designed as a survey of the history ofWestern art from ancient through contemporary times,with emphasis on the major artists and works of art. Itwill also introduce some of the major methodologiesused to approach topics in art history. Class time willbe divided between slide lectures and in-classdiscussions over the readings.ART 1303 Introduction to Studio Art 3,0Hands on studio projects with references to related artwork of the past. Includes field trips to area galleriesor museums. Designed to develop awareness andsensitivity to art through the study of basic drawingand design.ART 1304 Introduction to Art History: Ancient 3,0This course covers the history of visual art fromPrehistoric to the medieval period. It is taught with aEuropean-American perspective, and includespainting, sculpture, architecture and other major areasof study.ART 1305 Introduction to Art History: Modern 3,0This course covers the history of visual art from theRenaissance to the present. It is taught with aEuropean-American perspective, and includespainting, sculpture, architecture and other major areasof study.ART 1306 Drawing Media 2,2Basic drawing using graphite as the primary media.Will also include some or all of the following:charcoal, ink, metal point, mono print, and oil sticks.Prerequisite: ART 1303 or consent of the instructor.ART 1308 Introduction to Photography 2,2Basic photography course with emphasis upontechnical skill development, camera use and operation,darkroom operation methods and techniques.ART 1311 Design 2,2Basic design studied through abstract and commercialart applications. Media includes drawing, painting,collage, etc. May be repeated for credit with consentof instructor.ART 1315 Art Theory and History 3,0A survey which includes study of art history , artcriticism, aesthetics, and studio production, includingstudy and use of all principles and elements of art in avariety of media, practicing critical evaluation of artproduction in progress; and development ofknowledge and skills for personal growth. The coursealso examines work by elementary students at alllevels in a variety of media; preparation of lessonplans for achieving specific art objectives at specificgrade levels; and preparation of a portfolio of examplework for teaching at selected grade levels.ART 2320 Ceramics 2,2Study of hand building techniques, clay bodies, andglazes using low fire clay. Prerequisite: ART 1303 orconsent of instructor. May be repeated for credit.ART 3312 Painting 2,2Study of acrylic painting techniques, color theory,design application, and styles of various well-knownartists. Prerequisite: ART 1303 or consent ofinstructor. May be repeated for credit.Return to Table of Contents<strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> Page 99

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