Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University


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MTH 2402 Calculus IIMTH 2301 Introduction to StatisticsMTH 2305 Discrete StructuresMTH 3410 Calculus IIIMTH 3101-4 Problem Solving (three of four)MTH 3311 Linear AlgebraMTH 3313 Number TheoryMTH 3317 Differential EquationsThe twelve remaining hours must come from upperlevel [300 and 400] MTH courses:MTH xxxxMTH xxxxMTH xxxxMTH xxxxMTH 3309 Numerical AnalysisMTH 3325 Real AnalysisMTH 3330 Introduction to ModelingMTH 4310 CryptologyMTH xxxx Other approved upper-level math courseElective HoursA sufficient number of academic hours to bring thetotal number of hours to 128 of which 39 must beupper-level.Return to Table of Contents14.00 College of Adult Education14.01 Mission StatementThe mission of the College of Adult Education is to equip adult learners to be servant-leaders through flexible,accelerated educational programs in a caring, Christian environment.14.02 Accelerated Degree ProgramThe Accelerated Degree Program offers the Associates of Arts Degree in Behavioral Sciences and the Bachelor ofArts degree which incorporate a liberal arts curriculum that cultivates personal growth and the development of skills inpreparation for a full and productive life. The adult learning model at <strong>Concordia</strong> provides a unique alternative to thetraditional method of pursuing a degree. It is designed especially for adults whose personal and professional schedulesconflict with traditional full-time course study. The goal of the adult learning experience is to relate newly acquiredinformation directly to the student‘s personal and professional life.14.02.01 <strong>Course</strong> LoadsThe ADP program is designed with adult learners in mind, recognizing their ability to apply information to lifeexperiences and therefore learn it more quickly, and also recognizing their outside responsibilities to family, career,and other areas. Because of the pace and intensity of the ADP program, it is intended that students attend only onecourse at a time. Academic performance can suffer if students take multiple classes in the ADP format at the sametime.No student is permitted to enroll in more than six (6) credits simultaneously in any combination, including but notlimited to: courses with other cohorts, correspondence courses, online courses, or concurrent enrollment in othercolleges/universities. Students desiring to enroll in more than 18 hours in any one term are required to have earned a3.00 cumulative GPA or higher. No student is permitted to enroll in more than 19 academic hours in any combinationof courses, including but not limited to correspondence courses or co-enrollment. Exceptions to this policy must beapproved, in advance, by the Registrar; failure to secure approval of an ―overload‖ prior to enrollment may result indenial of credit.Return to Table of Contents14.02.02 AttendanceAttendance is required at all class meetings and is strictly monitored by instructors and ADP Staff. If students missmore than four (4) hours of a class, they will, without exception, be administratively dropped from the course,held responsible for all subsequent tuition charges, and required to repeat the entire course. Consistentadministrative drops will lead to the student being administratively withdrawn from <strong>Concordia</strong> <strong>University</strong>Texas...Absence is considered cumulative…Exceptions to the ADP attendance policy will not be made. All absenceswill be recorded by the instructor at each class session. Tardiness will be counted as absence and will also be recordedat each class session. There are no excused absences, and students may not attend the missed session the next timethat instructor teaches, or the next time that course is taught. Further, students are required to attend the first night of<strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> Page 92

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