Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University


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7.02 Attendance<strong>Concordia</strong> expects students to attend class regularly. Each instructor establishes an attendance policy. Students areresponsible for familiarizing themselves with this policy at the beginning of each course. Students receiving any formof financial assistance (including VA benefits) must maintain regular attendance to be eligible for assistance.Return to Table of Contents7.03 Census DateThe Census Date is published in the Academic Calendar each term. As of that date all class schedules are official, area matter of record, and will appear on a student's transcript.<strong>Course</strong>s dropped before the Census Date will not appear on the student's transcript.<strong>Course</strong>s dropped after the Census Date and before the Drop deadline will be recorded on the student'stranscript with the grade of "W".Certification of attendance for insurance purposes will be done as of census date.7.04 Classification of StudentsStandard ClassificationsFreshmanStudents who have successfully completed less than 30 academic hours.SophomoreStudents who have successfully completed 30 - 59 academic hours.JuniorStudents who have successfully completed 60 - 89 academic hours.SeniorStudents who have successfully completed 90+ academic hours or who have been awarded a baccalaureatedegree and who plan to obtain another degree at <strong>Concordia</strong>.Other ClassificationsSpecial/Post-BaccalaureateStudents who hold a baccalaureate degree from any regionally accredited institution who 1) are enrolled in acertification program or 2) are pursuing another major, but do not plan to obtain a second baccalaureate degree.Degree SeekingStudents, full or part-time, in pursuit of an associate or baccalaureate degree; students wishing to take course work forthe purpose of applying for credit in another institution fall under this classification.Non- Degree SeekingStudents who wish to take course work for purposes of personal enrichment or employment promotion opportunities.See the paragraph on Admission under Non-Degree Seeking Students.Lutheran Church-WorkStudents preparing themselves for one of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod church work vocations and havesigned a Declaration of Intent. Such students must hold membership in a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synodcongregation.Return to Table of Contents7.05 Concurrent EnrollmentCurrent <strong>Concordia</strong> students may take correspondence courses and/or courses in residence at one of the neighboringinstitutions in the Austin area with prior written approval of the Registrar. Current students who complete courseworkat other institutions must provide the Registrar's Office with transcripts from these institutions immediately aftercompletion of the course(s). <strong>Course</strong>s in which a grade of A, B, or C (2.00 or higher) has been earned will transfer forcredit only and will not be included in the <strong>Concordia</strong> grade point average.Return to Table of Contents7.06 <strong>Course</strong>-by-Arrangement (CBA)<strong>Concordia</strong> <strong>University</strong> Texas offers the opportunity for students to receive instruction in an approved course within itscurriculum through personal arrangement between the student and instructor. To apply for <strong>Course</strong>-by-Arrangementinstruction, a valid scheduling conflict (see definition below) must exist. Permission to take a <strong>Course</strong>-by-Arrangementwill be recommended for approval by the instructor, the advisor, and the Dean of the appropriate School.A maximum of nine (9) credit hours towards the completion of the degree requirements may be earnedthrough <strong>Course</strong>-by-Arrangement instruction at the undergraduate level.<strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> Page 25

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