Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University


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comprehensive final, chapter worksheets, and a varietyof literacy projects. Prerequisite: a 2000 level Englishcourse.EDU 3310 Writing across the Curriculum 3,0This course prepares students to personally masterwriting effectively and efficiently for a variety ofaudiences and purposes so they can enable theirstudents to read and write effectively for a variety ofaudiences and purposes. Prerequisites: ENG 1316 andENG 1317.EDU 3311 Instr Strategies/Learning Thry-Elem. 3,2Instructional techniques and strategies that emphasizepractical application of the teaching/learning process.Writing of instructional objectives and lesson plans,principles of classroom organization and management,delivery strategies, and grouping practices based onlearning theory, learning styles and multipleintelligences. Each student practices strategies byparticipating in "peer teaching" experiences.Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher EducationProgram.EDU 3313 Adolescent Literature 3,0A survey of the evolution of adolescent literaturewhich teaches strategies for exploring, analyzing anddiscussing the various genres of adolescent literaturewith students in this age group. Suggestions given forliteracy projects and Students complete three tests, acomprehensive final, chapter worksheets and a varietyof literacy projects. Prerequisite: a 2000 level surveycourse in Literature (ENG 2301, 2302, 2303, or 2305).EDU 3321 Foundations of Primary EducationThis course will provide a practical framework formaking teaching effective and learning meaningful ingrades one through three. Prerequisite: Admission tothe Teacher Education Program.EDU 3322 Foundations of Middle School Edu 3,0Knowledge, skills, attitudes, and philosophiessurrounding middle school education. Root issues ofmiddle school education such as historical framework,theories of pre-adolescent development, roles of theteacher, the setting and implementation of curriculumtheory and major trends in middle school education.Field experience required. Prerequisites: PSY 2301and EDU 2301 or concurrent enrollment in bothcourses.EDU 3333 Teaching Religion 3,1This course is designed to prepare students for theteaching ministry of the Lutheran – Missouri Synod.Foci will be the concepts, content, materials, andstrategies necessary in teaching religion in theelementary, middle, secondary, and all-levelclassrooms. Integration of the Christian faith into allaspects of parish and school ministry will be covered.Field work in Lutheran schools in required. Requiredof students seeking Lutheran Teacher DiplomaPrerequisites: Students in the Teacher EducationProgram must have taken EDU 3311 or EDU 3372.EDU 3372 Instr Strategies/Learning Thry-Secondary 3,2Learning and practicing the "how-to-teach" aspects ofteaching and the "how to learn" aspects of learning. Writingof instructional objectives and lesson plans, principles ofclassroom organization and management, deliverystrategies, and grouping practices based on learning theory,learning styles and multiple intelligences. Forty clock hoursof applied field experiences under the mentorship ofteaching professionals to observe and put into practiceconcepts, skills and strategies gained and practiced in theuniversity classroom. Prerequisite: Admission to theTeacher Education Program.EDU 3373 Secondary Curr/Content Area Learner 3,3The teacher in preparation learns and practices the "what toteach" aspect of teaching and how to manage the classroomso that content and delivery of instruction enhances thelearning process in students. Included is a concentration ofdomain-specific answers to the age old question, "Whatknowledge is most important" and how importantknowledge is to be delivered through instructionalmanagement so that use of time, talents, and resources areutilized efficiently. A minimum of 40 clock hours of appliedfield experience and content area instruction with teachingprofessionals in which the student will observe and put intopractice concepts, skills, and strategies gained and practicedin the university and site classroom. Prerequisites: A fouracademic hour course required of secondary educationstudents who have been admitted to the Teacher EducationProgram and have successfully completed EDU 3372.EDU 3412 Elementary Curriculum 4,3Covers content and specific teaching strategies neededfor effective instruction in social studies, art, musicand physical education in elementary grades 1-8.Integrates language arts across the entire curriculum.Extensive field experiences required. Prerequisite:Admission to Teacher Education Program; EDU 3311,RDG 3211, and RDG 3421.EDU 3447 Special Learner/School Law 4,2Legal and ethical aspects of teaching; speciallegislation and curriculum adaptations for gifted,handicapped and culturally or linguistically distinctstudents. Field experience in specialized settings.Required in both the Elementary and SecondaryEducation Programs. Prerequisite: Admission to theTeacher Education or DCE Program .EDU 4101 Teacher Education Seminar 1,1Capstone course for seniors in the Teacher EducationProgram. Major topics addressed will be preparation<strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> Page 111

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