Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University


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15.04.20 GeologyGLG 1101 Urban GeologyInvestigation of the effect of urbanization on land andhuman values from the viewpoint of geology.GLG 3301 Geology 3,0The earth from the perspective of physical andhistorical geology. Two Saturday field experiencesrequired. Extra fee for field experience transportationto be paid at time of registration. Not available foraudit. Prerequisite: Three academic hours of a physicalscience.GLG 3302 Geology Field Techniques 3,0Interpretation of field data to generate maps of surfaceand subsurface geology. Extensive use of the Bruntoncompass, aerial photographs, and field analyses.Prerequisite: GLG 3301.Return to Table of Contentstwo years of high-school level foreign language study,or consent of instructor.GRE 2312 Greek II 3,0Continuation of GRE 2311, with reading in GreekNew Testament. Prerequisite: GRE 2311.GRE 3215 Advanced Greek Readings 2,0For those who have satisfactorily completed the basicGreek grammar courses. Selections will be drawnfrom the New Testament, the Greek Old Testament(the Septuagint) and other Greek literature.Prerequisite: GRE 3314. May be repeated for creditwhen readings are varied.GRE 3313 Greek III 3,0Reading in the New Testament and Hellenistic Greekwith correlated grammar review. Prerequisite: GRE2312.15.04.21 GovernmentGOV 1303 Intro to American Government 3,0A survey of essential features of American federal,state, and local governments. Topics include the U.S.and Texas constitutions, federalism, civil rights andcivil liberties, linkage institutions, and politicalinstitutions.GOV 1305 Texas State Government 3,0This course is designed to place the concept of statecitizenship in a contemporary context in order tounderstand the complexities of state governance (theframing of policy problems and the proposal of policysolutions). Students will be asked to put themselves inthe roles of policy analysts in an attempt to uncoverthe rationales for public policy making used byinstitutional actors, private actors such as the media,interest groups and political parties, and those affectedby particular policies.GOV 2301 Public Policy 3,0An introduction to the discipline of policy analysis.Explores who is responsible for making publicpolicies, how choices are made, what kinds of toolsare at the disposal of policy makers, and how theireffectiveness can be enhanced. Also explores thevarious models of policy analysis. Theories andconcepts illustrated by investigating current policyefforts in areas such as health, civil rights, poverty andwelfare, education, defense, and tax policy.Prerequisite: GOV 1303.Return to Table of Contents15.04.22 GreekGRE 2311 Greek I 3,0Fundamentals of Greek using Koine and Classicalapproaches. Prerequisite: One year of college-levelforeign language study (such as LAT 1301-1302) orGRE 3314 Greek IV 3,0Readings in the New Testament and in ClassicalGreek with survey of comparative grammar.Prerequisite: GRE 3313.Return to Table of Contents15.04.23 Healthcare AdministrationHCA 2301 Science Essentials for HCA Professionals 3,0Taught from an applications perspective, this coursepresents three fields of science important and useful to thehealthcare administration professional. The course ofstudy will include aspects of anatomy and physiology,microbiology, and epidemiology to promote provision of asafe, efficient, and effective healthcare environment.HCA 3305 Eldercare 3,0Provides the student with an understanding of theadministrative principles and processes necessary toeffectively manage the operational affairs of a longtermhealth care facility or organization whileproviding insights into regulatory and licensing issuesadequate to deal with administrative decision-makingas framed by those constraints.HCA 3310 Management Essentials in HealthcareAdministration 3,0This course provides the student with the foundationalconcepts of management with functional applicationsin the healthcare setting. Pre-requisite: HCA 3335,Principles of Healthcare Finance.HCA 3311 Consumer Issues in Healthcare 3,0This course develops critical thinking skills related toevaluation of health information and the resultantdecisions regarding health care. In this context, healthfactors to be considered may be derived from any areaof the human health experience includingenvironmental, physical, social, intellectual, spiritual,<strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> Page 116

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