Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University


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Readmits or Former students: Students who have not attended <strong>Concordia</strong> <strong>University</strong> Texas for onecomplete academic year, defined as two regular academic semesters (summer terms for non year-roundprograms are not included) and must reapply for admission to resume their studies. See the admissionsguidelines in this catalog for instructions and eligibility for Readmission.Deadlines:<strong>Concordia</strong> <strong>University</strong> Texas accepts Applications for Admission on a rolling basis. All materials must be submittedprior to 1 month prior to the start of classes. Please contact the Office of Admission regarding exceptions orextensions.International students may need more time to complete the visa process, and so should have their files complete byJune 1 for the Fall term and November 1 for the Spring term.Return to Table of Contents3.01 First-Time College FreshmenRequired Materials:All first time college freshmen must submit the following in order to be considered for admission.1. Application for admission2. $25 application fee (unless waived by the Admissions Office)3. An official high school transcript (Note: Unofficial transcripts will be accepted prior to the student‘sgraduation. However, an official final transcript must be received prior to the start of classes).4. Official SAT or ACT scoresa. SAT/ACT scores that are recorded on high school transcripts are sufficient.b. Students who have graduated from high school more than 5 years prior toenrollment may be exempt from the SAT/ACT requirement.c. Students applying to our College of Adult Education (Adult Degree Program) are exempt fromthe SAT/ACT requirement.5. In the case of students who do not meet our admissions standards, additional information may be requiredprior to admission.Transcripts, applications, test scores, and other documents submitted to gain admission to <strong>Concordia</strong> <strong>University</strong> Texasbecome the property of the university and will not be returned to the applicant. Applicants who fail to enroll for agiven term and apply later may be required to submit an updated set of documents.Return to Table of ContentsAdmissions Requirements for Graduates of an Accredited High SchoolFirst time freshmen must demonstrate a grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale and an ACTcumulative score of 20 (with a minimum of 20 on each section of the ACT) or an SAT score of 1440 (with aminimum 480 on each section of the SAT).Admission for applicants who fall below these standards will be determined by the faculty AdmissionsCommittee. Those applicants may be required to submit additional information.A strong college preparatory program in English, mathematics, social sciences, and natural sciences isrecommended.Students applying to our College of Adult Education (Accelerated Degree Program) must be at least 23 yearsof age.Admission Requirements for Graduates of a Non- Accredited High SchoolGED CandidatesStudents who did not graduate from high school will be considered for admission to <strong>Concordia</strong> upon submission ofsatisfactory GED scores. A satisfactory score is 50 for those who took the test prior to 2002 or 500 for those who tookthe test during or after 2002. GED candidates may be required to submit additional information at the request of theAdmissions Officer.Home Schooled StudentsApplicants from non-accredited high schools will be considered for admission upon submission of transcripts of thework completed in high school, ACT/SAT scores, and such other documentation as the Admissions Officer maydirect.Return to Table of Contents<strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> Page 15

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