Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University


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An overview of the Return of Title IV process is as follows:The student should contact the Registrar‘s Office for a Withdrawal form. This form should be completed forall students wishing to withdraw from the university and not just for those with Federal aid.The Withdrawal form will require several signatures including Accounting, Dean of Students, and FinancialAid along with the student and Registrar‘s signature. Students should always consult with their advisorbefore requesting the Withdrawal form. If Federal funds are included in a student‘s package, an appointmentwill be required with the Director of Student Financial Services in order to process a Return of Title IVfunds. In most cases, the Director will be available immediately to visit with the student. If an appointmentcannot be made, the Return of Title IV forms with an letter of explanation will be sent by mail to thestudent‘s permanent address.The withdrawal date is reported on the Withdrawal form and is generally the last day of attendance. Shouldthere be any question as to this date, the Director of Student Financial Services will determine the date ofwithdrawal. The Director will be responsible for completing the return within 30 days of the date ofwithdrawal and notifying the appropriate Financial Aid Advisor of the withdrawal and any change to thestudent‘s package. The Director will also notify the Assistant Director of Financial Aid Programs of anyreturn of loan funds. The Assistant Director will then be responsible for processing the return of loan fundsand notifying the guarantor and lender of the withdrawal.The Director of Student Financial Services will be responsible for notifying the student as to whether theschool or the student will be responsible for repayment of Title IV funds, if applicable. The Director isresponsible for tracking all notifications and deadlines. In the event of an overpayment by the student, theDirector will notify the student within 30 days of the withdrawal date as to the student‘s responsibility torepay the funds within 45 days of the date of the notice and the options for repayment. It will be theresponsibility of the Director to notify the Assistant Director of Financial Aid Programs any item that needsto be reported to NSLDS.The Director will be responsible for offering and tracking post-withdrawal disbursements to students, ifapplicable. Notice to students will occur within 30 days of the date of withdrawal. The student will berequired to report to the Director within 14 days after the date of the notice as to whether or not they wish toaccept the post-withdrawal disbursement. In the case of a loan creating the post-withdrawal disbursement,the student will be counseled as to the nature of the funds. The school will disburse any accepted postwithdrawaldisbursement within 120 days after the date of withdrawal.Return to Table of Contents5.11 Veterans Educational BenefitsFor students who are eligible, Veterans Educational Benefits can be used to offset college costs. For information aboutVeterans benefits, please use the VA web site, www.gibill.va.gov.Once VA determines eligibility, the student will be issued a certificate of eligibility from the VA a copy of thecertificate must be turned into the VA certifying official at <strong>Concordia</strong> <strong>University</strong> before the student‘s enrollment willbe certified to the VAThe Office of the Registrar also needs a copy of the student's DD-214 showing all schools attended, or a CommunityCollege of the Air Force (USAF) transcript, or a SMART (USN or USMC) transcript. If there is more than one DD-214 showing schools attended, we will need copies of each one. This will allow us to evaluate the student's militaryeducation and experience to determine if we can give the student some credit. Receipt of a DD-214 does notautomatically trigger VA benefits.Chapter 30/34 - Montgomery G.I. Bill/Pre-1990 G.I. BillChapter 31 - Vocational RehabilitationChapter 32 - Post-Vietnam Era Veterans' Educational AssistanceChapter 35 - Survivors' and Dependents' Educational AssistanceChapter 1606 - Selected Reserve Educational ProgramChapter 1607 - Gulf War Selected Reserve Educational ProgramStudents receiving VA educational benefits must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 to be considered makingsatisfactory academic progress. Students on academic probation, who fail to achieve a term GPA of 2.00 at the end ofthe first probationary term, will be reported to the Department of Veterans Affairs as making unsatisfactory progress.Students who fail to achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.00 at the end of the second probationary term will be reported tothe VA Regional Office as making unsatisfactory progress.<strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> Page 23

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