Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University


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artistic, cultural, economic, social, political andreligious contexts. <strong>Course</strong> study will concentrate notonly on the what of music, but the why. When we canunderstand the people making the music and theirexperiences, we can better appreciate the music theyare expressing. Ultimately, the course will address thequestion: is music a universal language? Learningwill be guided through readings and audio and videoexamples, but also through field experiences.MUS 31XX Private Music Lessons - 30 minutes (May be repeated for credit)MUS 3110 Piano-Keyboard 2,0MUS 3111 Guitar 2,0MUS 3112 Organ-Keyboard 2,0MUS 3115 Woodwind Lessons 1,0MUS 3116 Brass Lessons 1,0MUS 3117 Percussion Lessons 1,0MUS 3119 Voice Lessons 1,0MUS 32XX Private Music Lessons - 60 minutes (May be repeated for credit)MUS 3210 Piano-Keyboard 2,0MUS 3211 Guitar 2,0MUS 3212 Organ-Keyboard 2,0MUS 3215 Woodwind Lessons 2,0MUS 3216 Brass Lessons 2,0MUS 3217 Percussion Lessons 2,0MUS 3219 Voice Lessons 2,0MUS 3230 Contemp Worship Programming 2,0This course examines contemporary expressions ofworship, and prepares DCEs to lead congregationsinto these forms of worship expression. Cross-Listedas DCE 3230MUS 3323 Conducting II (choir)Problems in conducting choral and instrumentalmusic; rehearsal and performance organization.Participation in the Chapel Choir is required.Prerequisite: MUS 2214 or consent of instructor.Under Development.MUS 3332 Orchestration 3,0Examining tonal resources of instrumental and vocalmedia; arranging and transcribing for band andorchestral instruments. Prerequisite: MUS 2334.MUS 3336 Music Theory III 3,0Continuation of MUS 2335, includes the study ofborrowed chords, sixth chords, theme and variation,sonata and rondo forms, extended chords andharmonic practice of the Romantic period.Prerequisite: MUS 2335 Music Theory IIMUS 3337 Music Theory IV 3,0Continuation of MUS 3336, includes the study ofharmonic practices from the Post-Romantic,Impressionistic, and Twentieth Century periods ofmusic history and the use of extended and newharmonic practices. Analyses of compositions fromdifferent historical periods. Prerequisite: MUS 3336Music Theory IIIMUS 3342 History of Music I (Ancient to 1750) 3,0Music, composers and instruments of ancient,medieval, renaissance and baroque eras.MUS 3344 History of Music II (1650 to Present) 3,0Music, composers and instruments of late baroque,classic, romantic, and contemporary eras.MUS 3352 School Music 3,0Kodaly, Orff, and other methods of teachingelementary school music concepts. Prerequisite: MUS2336.MUS 3354 Children's Choir 3,0Principles, methods and materials for organizing,administering, and conducting the children's choir.Prerequisites: MUS 2214 and either MUS 3352 orMUS 3214.MUS 3356 Adult Choir 3,0Administering the adult choral program; conductingtechnique development; choral literature analysis andselection; service and program planning. Prerequisites:MUS 2214 and MUS 3214.MUS 3362 Worship and Music 3,0History, content, and meaning of Christian worshipforms and hymns. Principles of constructing worshipforms.MUS 34XX Music Pedagogy – Elementary SchoolUnder DevelopmentMUS 34XX Music Pedagogy – Middle/SecondarySchoolUnder DevelopmentMUS 4105 Senior RecitalOne hour public musical recital displaying student'sability to perform solo music in a variety of genre andhistorical styles. Must also register for two credits ofprivate music instruction on corresponding musicalinstrument. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor; upperlevel music jury passed.MUS 4110 Worship Internship 1,0A review of the principles for administering andmanaging a parish worship program and application ofthese principles in a supervised parish experience. Themajor focus of the course is on Christian worship.Note: This class is to be taken in the last term ofcourse work for the Worship and Arts Minor.<strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> Page 126

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