Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University


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3313 Number Theory or MTH 3315 Abstract Algebraand the ability to code algorithms in a computerlanguage.Return to Table of Contents15.04.32 MusicPrivate Music Lessons - 30 minutesMUS 1110 Piano-Keyboard 1,0MUS 1111 Guitar 1,0MUS 1112 Organ-Keyboard 1,0MUS 1115 Woodwind Lessons 1,0MUS 1116 Brass Lessons 1,0MUS 1117 Percussion Lessons 1,0MUS 1119 Voice Lessons 1,0Private instruction regarding the use of the voice forsinging. Prerequisite: MUS 1120 or consent ofinstructor.MUS 1120 Vocal Technique 1,0A basic understanding of the vocal structure and itsfunction. Provides for skill development in vocalproduction.MUS 1124 <strong>University</strong> Choir 0,3Membership determined by audition. Three rehearsalsweekly plus performances. Open to all studentswishing to participate. Informal audition with director.MUS 1127 Wind Ensemble 1,0Open to all students wishing to participate. Informalaudition with director. Two rehearsals and onesectional rehearsal each week plus performances.MUS 1128 Instrumental Ensembles 0,3Performance-oriented instrumental ensembles.MUS 1129 Vocal EnsemblesSmall vocal ensemble performing music from thestandard chamber vocal literature. Open to all studentswith the ability and interest in vocal performance. Maybe repeated for credit. Prerequisites: concurrentenrollment in MUS 1124, <strong>University</strong> Choir, andconsent of instructor.MUS 1130 Living PraiseUnder DevelopmentMUS 1131 Jazz EnsembleInstrumental orientated music ensemble performingstandard jazz literature. Open to all students withability to perform on a standard jazz/band instrument.May be repeated for credit. In the music ministrymajor, fulfills the large ensemble requirement.MUS 1142 Organ Design 1,0History of the organ; how organs are designed andconstructed.Private Music Lessons - 60 minutesMUS 1210 Piano-Keyboard 2,0MUS 1211 Guitar 2,0MUS 1212 Organ-Keyboard 2,0MUS 1215 Woodwind Lessons 2,0MUS 1216 Brass Lessons 2,0MUS 1217 Percussion Lessons 2,0MUS 1219 Voice Lessons 2,0MUS 1332 Music Fundamentals 3,0Basic concepts of notation, rhythm, melody, harmonyand form developed through performance, composing,and listening.MUS 1333 American Popular Music 3,0Survey course of popular music in American culturefrom inception to present day. Styles for listening andstudy include: blues, jazz, rhythm and blues, rock androll, country, punk, reggae, disco.MUS 2118 Sight Singing and Ear Training I 1,0Building sight singing skill, aural awareness, and theability to identify errors in rhythms and melodies.MUS 2119 Sight Singing and Ear Training IIContinuation of MUS 2118. Expansion of sightsinging skill, aural awareness, including two-partmelodic dictation and ability to recognize chords inharmonic progressions in major and minor modes.Prerequisite: MUS 2118MUS 2314 Conducting I 2,1Choral and instrumental conducting includinglaboratory and performance experiences. Participationin the Chapel Choir is required. Prerequisite: Consentof instructor.MUS 2334 Music Theory I 3,0Principles of harmony: triads, part writing, nonharmonictones, harmonization, seventh chords,secondary dominants and modulation taught throughanalysis and composition. Prerequisite: Consent of theInstructorMUS 2335 Music Theory II 3,0Continuation of MUS 2334, including expandedchords, sixth chords, borrowed chords and melodicdevelopment. Prerequisite: MUS 2334.MUS 2340 History of Jazz 3,0A survey of jazz history from its origins to presentday.MUS 2350 Intrn to World Music and Culture 3,0This course examines a variety of musical traditionsfrom around the world. The course will be taughtfrom an ethnomusicological perspective, focusing noton music as sound, but music as an extension of its<strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> Page 125

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