Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University

Course Catalog 2008-2009 - Concordia University


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Hebrew. Prerequisite: One year of college-levelforeign language study.HEB 3402 Biblical Hebrew II 4,0Continuation of HEB 3401. Prerequisite: HEB 3401.HEB 4201 Hebrew Bible ReadingsContinued practice in reading and translating sectionsof the Hebrew Bible, with review of grammar. Thisclass may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: HEB3402.Return to Table of Contents15.04.25 HistoryHIS 1301 U.S. History to 1877 3,0A survey of U.S. history to 1877, relating events of thepast to current areas of American life. Origins anddevelopment of economic, social, and cultural trends;territorial and political growth.HIS 1302 U.S. History from 1877 3,0A survey of U.S. history from the Reconstruction Erato the present. Emphasis on economic cycles, politicalissues, social and cultural change, and emergence ofthe United States as a world power.HIS 2201 Historical Methods 3,0The methods and skills of the history discipline;historiography and historical criticism.HIS 2306 Race and Ethnic Relations 3,0Emphasis on race and ethnic relations as a nationalconcern with emphasis on these concerns in theSouthwest. Cross-listed as SOC 2306. Prerequisite:SOC 1301 or HIS 1301 or HIS 1302.HIS 2321 Western Civilization to 1715 3,0The political, philosophical, cultural, and economictrends of the western world to about 1715.HIS 2322 Western Civilization from 1715 3,0A survey of the main developments of westerncivilization from about 1715.HIS 3301 History of Mexico 3,0Mexico from the pre-Columbian period to the present.Prerequisite: Six academic hours of history.HIS 3304 The History and Culture of the MexicanAmerican 3,0An analysis of the history and culture of the MexicanAmerican people. Prerequisite: Six academic hours ofhistory. Cross-listed as SOC 3304.HIS 3311 Texas History 3,0Political, social, economic, and cultural developmentof Texas . Prerequisite: Six academic hours of history.HIS 3314 Trad and Values of Classical Civ 3,0An historical and thematic approach to thecontributions of the classical Greek and Roman worldsto Western civilization. Prerequisite: Six academichours of history.HIS 3320 Latin American Seminar 3,0Research in current issues and topics in LatinAmerican studies. Prerequisite: HIS 3304.HIS 3321 International Relations Since 1919 3,0An analysis of world events since 1919 that affectedrelations between nations including wars; peacenegotiations; economics, intellectual, and social crisis;and attempts at international cooperation. Prerequisite:Six academic hours of history.HIS 3341 The Civil War Era 3,0An analysis of the major events leading to theoutbreak of the American Civil War, wartime politicsin both the Union and Confederacy, military aspects ofthe war, and the economic, social, and political aspectsof the Reconstruction Era. Prerequisite: Six academichours of history.HIS 3342 The American West 3,0A survey of the history of the American frontier fromthe colonial period to the present, emphasizing thefrontier experience and its impact on the nation.Prerequisite: Six academic hours of historyHIS 3343 Post-World War II America 3,0An analysis of the cultural, social and political historyof the United States from the end of World War II tothe end of the Cold War. Prerequisite: Six academichours of history.HIS 3354 History of Christianity 3,0An overview of the history of Christianity from theNew Testament era to the present. The course willfocus on the central persons, ideas, issues, and eventsthat have shaped the Christian Church and its worship,doctrine, ethics, organization, and mission.Prerequisite: REL 1301. Cross-listed as REL 3354.HIS 4101 Senior Thesis ContinuedThis course allows a student to complete the research,writing, and presentation of the Senior Thesis, HIS4201. This course may be taken only once. If a studentreceives an "F" for HIS 4201 and No Credit for HIS4101, that student will have to retake HIS 4201.Graded as "Credit" or "No Credit".HIS 4201 Senior Thesis 2,0The Capstone course for history majors comprised of apersonally designed research program that culminatesin a journal quality research paper. Prerequisites: HIS<strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> Page 118

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