Health & Life Safety Manual - Electronic Resource Center

Health & Life Safety Manual - Electronic Resource Center

Health & Life Safety Manual - Electronic Resource Center


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HEALTH/LIFE SAFETY CHECKLIST/GLOSSARYBuilt before 1965........<strong>Health</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Safety</strong> Code 185Built after July 1, 1965........<strong>Health</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Safety</strong> Code 175Built after March 25, 1995........<strong>Health</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Safety</strong> Code 180ADMINISTRATION and GENERAL BUILDING REQUIREMENTS1. <strong>Safety</strong> Survey (10 Year Survey)Amendments (185.95; 180.310; 180.320)Should be available and on file at District and Regional Office of Education.2. <strong>Safety</strong> Reference Plans (185.95e; 175.40; 180.120)A complete set of up-to-date safety reference plans should be available at each school and should include a siteplan, a schematic floor plan, utility information, and an attic plan.3. Fire Drills (Ch 105 ILSC 5/10-20.22; The State Fire Marshal’s Article 842)A fire drill program must be developed and maintained which outlines the number of fire drills conducted duringthe school year, “not less than three per year” per ILCS 5/10-20.22, or “one per month” per the State FireMarshal’s supporting Article 842. Evacuation instructions should be posted in each student occupancy area.(May be represented as a graphic.) NOTE: The fire drill program includes the evacuation of handicappedstudents.4. Tornado/Severe Weather Protection Program (Ch. 105 ILCS 5/10-20.23)A tornado/severe weather protection program must be developed and maintained outlining warning, protectionand evacuation procedures. Evacuation procedures should be posted in each student occupancy area. (May berepresented as a graphic.) NOTE: The tornado protection program includes the evacuation of handicappedstudents.5. Functional Fire Alarm System (185.395d; 175.470; 180/PM:705.6; 180/PM:705.5; 180/F:506)Every school must have a functional fire alarm system. 175 only: A “power on” light for both the operatingcircuits and supervisory circuits (audible trouble signals) shall be permanently labeled and placed at each of 2locations: One in or near the chief custodian’s office and the other in or near the principal’s office (or othersimilar location attended during school hours.) 180 The district shall delegate in writing, to a trained, qualifiedtechnician, the responsibility to conduct inspections, testing and maintenance. A copy of such delegation shallbe made available to the Regional Superintendent.6. Integrated Pest Management (IDPH P.A. 91-525)All districts are required to maintain an integrated pest management program as developed by !DPH.ARTS AND CRAFTS CLASSROOM11. Fire Detector (185.395c2B; 175.460a1; 180/PM:705.5.1; 180/PM:705.6.1)185 only: If arts and crafts classroom meets the requirements of a “special educational occupancy,” ifmust have an automatic fire detector. 175 only: A fire detector is required in arts and craftsclassrooms not protected by an automatic sprinkler system. 180 Room must be protected asdetermined by BOCA 1996.12. Door Closers (185.370m6B; 185.380c10E; 185.390g4; 175.285; 175.260; 180/PM:702.6)Except in sprinklered buildings, automatic door closers are required on all doors required to maintainthe fire/smoke rating of the space on at least one side of the door opening and in all “special educationoccupancies.”2-12

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