Health & Life Safety Manual - Electronic Resource Center

Health & Life Safety Manual - Electronic Resource Center

Health & Life Safety Manual - Electronic Resource Center


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72. Door Closers (185.380c10E; 185.390g4; 175.285a; 180/PM:702.6)Except in sprinklered buildings, automatic door closers are required on all doors required to maintainthe fire/smoke rating of the space on at least one side of the door opening and in all “special educationoccupancies.”73. Hold-Open Devices (185.370b11A; 175.275; 180/BC:712.4.1; 180/F:303.4.1; 180/PM:704.2)Hold-open devices are prohibited on all doors described as “self-closing.” Exception to this rulerequires that the “hold-open device” is an approved electrically operated device that is wired into thefire detection and alarm system such that it will automatically release the door if or when the fire alarmsystem is actuated.74. Closet Door Locked (185.380d10E; 175.290b)To avoid the requirement for automatic closing devices, closet doors, which are open only when aresponsible person is in attendance, must normally be locked.75. Door Glass/Vision Panel (185.370.m.6.B.iv; 185.380c10Fii; 175.275; 180/BC:2405;180/BC:720)Glazing must be wired glass and/or glazing labeled and sized to maintain the required rating of thedoor. The Vision Panel should be a minimum of 100 sq. in. in the line of sight of the people who usethe room.76. Inside of Exit Doors Unlocked (185.370m2A; 175.285; 180/BC:1005.1) Safe, reliable andunobstructed means of access travel shall be provided from any location in an occupied room or spaceto the doorways. Exit doors and doorways must be easily and readily openable by pupils from theinside.COMPUTER LABS AND HUB CLOSETS84. Fire Extinguishers/ Inspected (185.395e1; 175.495; 180/BC:921.2; 180/F:519.2; NFPA 10)Class ABC fire extinguishers are required and should be readily accessible. Other classes of fireextinguishers may be substituted if there are special hazards requiring special protection, e.g. Halatronor Dupont FE 36. The fire extinguishers must be inspected annually and display a current tag. Thenumber required depends on the size of the space.CORRIDORS90. No Obstruction of Traffic (185.380c7C; 180/BC:1005.1)No obstructions are allowed to reduce the clear width of required paths of exit travel.91. Smoke-Barrier Doors/Hardware (185.380c10F; 185.390G3E; 175.285a; 175.290a;180/BC:719; 180/BC712)Smoke-barrier doors are required to be self-closing or automatic and shall meet relevant codes for firerating of the corridor. They may be held open under normal conditions by an approved electricallyoperated hold-open device wired into the fire detection and alarm system.92. Number Exits (185.370b4; 185.380c5; 175.410g; 180/PM:702.3; 180/BC:1006-7)At least two exits, remote from each other must be readily available from each required accessdoorway in the building. (Certain exceptions for allowed dead-end corridors ( BOCA ’96 F:607.2 andPM:702.7))2-18

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