Health & Life Safety Manual - Electronic Resource Center

Health & Life Safety Manual - Electronic Resource Center

Health & Life Safety Manual - Electronic Resource Center


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water converter to heat these sectionsthrough slope top fin tube. All radiation inthese sections are automatically controlled.The converter in located in Room 138 andlacks certain safety devices. The 1951 and1974 additions are heated by hot watercreated from a steam heat exchangerlocated in Room Number 194. There areUnit ventilators and finned tube convectorseach with automatic temperature controls inthese areas.VENTILATION:Ventilation is adequate for all classrooms inthe 1958 addition, 1951 and 1937gymnasium addition due to the area ofopenable windows (Rule 185.457b1).Power exhaust is provided for all restroomsand locker rooms. The kitchen is providedwith 3500 cfm of exhaust over the rangeand ovens and 940-cfm over thedishwasher. The industrial shops haveindividual exhaust connections to the dustproducingequipment as well and theexhaust systems meet all Coderequirements for their particular area. Thefoundry area 05 lacks an exhaust hood overthe two kilns.AIR CONDITIONING:None.WATER HEATER: Domestic hot water is provided by a 920-gallon storage tank heated by a gas-firedwater heater of 199,000 BTU input. Anadditional 8-gallon natural-gas-fired waterheater is located in the kitchen area of the1958 and 1963 addition. An additional8-gallon, electric water heater is located inthe art room. The temperature of water inthe storage tank is 150 F.INCINERATOR:GAS SERVICE:ELECTRICAL SYSTEM:None.Natural gas enters the building on the eastside of the boiler room where it is metered,pressure regulated and provided with anoutside shut-off. The gas piping runs abovethe ceiling of the 1958-63 cafeteria-kitchenaddition. This area is unvented and mustbe brought into line with Rule 185.485casper our recommendations.Electric service is underground, rated208/120 volt, 3 phase, 4 wire. The mainservice has a maximum demand of 8003-16

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