Health & Life Safety Manual - Electronic Resource Center

Health & Life Safety Manual - Electronic Resource Center

Health & Life Safety Manual - Electronic Resource Center


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ampere and is capable of 2000 ampere.The non-metallic sheathed cable used insome of the recent remodeling work is not inconformance with Code requirements.Lighting in all areas is above the minimumstandard as set up by the Code.PLUMBING:There are adequate numbers of plumbingfixtures in this facility. Several fixtures havebeen removed or destroyed and the wastepipes are still open to the atmosphere.Sewage disposal through 2-6’ tiles to themunicipal sanitary sewer system.Main located along the westerly propertyline.VI.PRIVATE PROTECTIONFIRE ALARM SYSTEM: A non-coded, continuous-ringing,supervised fire alarm system with maincontrol panel located in Office 114,consisting of break-glass stations andhorns, presently exists in this building.Certain additions must be made to thissystem in order to meet the requirements ofthe “Building Specifications.”AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS:AUTOMATIC HEAT DETECTION:There are no sprinklers in this building.There are automatic heat detectors locatedas indicated in the drawings.STANDPIPE HOSE LINES:FIRE EXTINGUISHERS:None.Portable fire extinguishers are located asindicated on the drawings. Theseextinguishers and their location meet allrequirements of NBFU #10 except for theconcession building.VII. SECURITY SYSTEM None.VIII. ENERGY CONSERVATION The only energy conservation measure nowin use is the set back of thermostats whenthe building is not occupied. Considerationshould be given to further procedures oncethe building is in compliance with prevailingcodes.IX. ASBESTOS ABATEMENT The building is currently in compliance withthe approved asbestos management plan.3-17

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