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JAIS<br />

Pavel Pavlovitch<br />

That is to say, the chronological sequence Qurʾān 4:15 – the ʿUbāda<br />

tradition implied the question of whether the sunna may abrogate the<br />

Qurʾān. A positive answer would allow for accepting ʿUbāda as capable of<br />

modifying the Quranic ordinance in a way tantamount to abrogation; a<br />

negative answer would mean that the origins of the stoning penalty had to<br />

be found in scripture. There was a middle way, however. This is evident<br />

from a large group of traditions that describe the dual-penalty maxim as a<br />

divinely inspired prophetic utterance.<br />

Diagram 5 (p. 192) shows an extensive isnād and matn bundle, which<br />

converges—albeit not exclusively—in Saʿīd b. Abī ʿArūba (d. 156–<br />

59/772–76). Below the tier of Ibn Abī ʿArūba, the isnād includes Qatāda b.<br />

191<br />

Diʿāma, al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī, Ḥiṭṭān b. ʿAbd Allāh and ʿUbāda b. al-Ṣamit.<br />

Upon comparison, this part of the isnād turns out to be exactly the same as<br />

the<br />

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corresponding part of the isnād that Yaḥyā b. Saʿīd al-Qaṭṭān used to<br />

support his variant of the non-revelation tradition. This analogy will be<br />

important for the analysis of the revelation cluster. For more clarity, I<br />

divide this chapter into three parts corresponding to each potential CL.<br />

The Ibn Abī ʿArūba cluster<br />

A brief look at the isnād structure (Diagram 5, p. 192) suffices to show that<br />

single lines of transmission predominate in the Saʿīd b. Abī ʿArūba cluster.<br />

Upon closer inspection, however, three key figures may be singled out.<br />

One of them is the Baṣran traditionist Yazīd b. Zurayʿ (101–Shawwāl 182<br />

or 183/719–20 – November 798 or 799), a relatively early key figure<br />

immediately above the tier of Ibn Abī ʿArūba. Ibn Zurayʿ’s tradition is<br />

cited by al-Nasāʾī and al-Ṭabarī. Al-Nasāʾī’s variant runs as follows:<br />

(1a) Kāna rasūl u l-lāh i , ṣalʿam, idhā nazala/nuzzila ʿalay-hi kuriba lidhālika<br />

wa-tarabbada la-hu wajh u -hu (1b) fa-nazala/nuzzila ʿalay-hi dhat a<br />

yawm in fa-laqiya dhālika fa-lammā surriya ʿan-hu qāla: (2) “Khudhū ʿannī!<br />

(3) Qad jaʿala l-lāh u la-hunna sabīl an . (4a) Al-bikr u bi-l-bikr i jald u miʾat in<br />

wa-nafy u sana (4b) wa-l-thayyib u bi-l-thayyib i jald u miʾat in wa-l-rajm.”<br />

(1a) When [a revelation] descended upon the Messenger of Allāh, may Allāh<br />

bless him and grant him peace, he would be overwhelmed by grief and his<br />

face would grow pallid (1b) One day [a revelation] descended upon him,<br />

whereupon he experienced this [kind of symptoms]. When he [the<br />

Messenger of Allāh] regained his composure, he said: (2) “Take it from me!<br />

(3) Allāh has appointed a way for them. (4a) A virgin with a virgin [punish<br />

them with] one hundred strokes and a year’s banishment (4b) A non-virgin<br />

with a non-virgin [punish them with] one hundred strokes and stoning”. 111<br />

111 Al-Nasāʾī, al-Sunan al-Kubrā, 6:405, no. 7105.

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