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Jocelyn Sharlet<br />

the Bedouin, and the vest remained with him until it was taken by<br />

another caliph. 44 Umm Salama mediates the transition between the<br />

Umayyads and the Abbasids by way of jewels when Umm Salama gives<br />

herself to Abū l-ʿAbbās covered in jewels, albeit consummating the<br />

marriage only after changing into less dazzling attire, and when she<br />

tosses her necklace to ʿUmāra in her argument over the relative merits of<br />

her family and her husband’s clients. Likewise, she plays a crucial role in<br />

the circulation of the legendary jeweled vest as a figure of the transfer of<br />

power from the Umayyads to the Abbasids.<br />

Depictions of ʿUmāra complement his role in the gift exchange story<br />

and clarify the contradictions of client status. ʿUmāra was said to<br />

combine the positive quality of nobility and the negative quality of<br />

haughtiness. 45 As in the depiction of Fayḍ, this characterization<br />

emphasizes the complexity of personality in the dynamics of social<br />

hierarchy. While the depiction of Fayḍ in the story of the hundred outfits<br />

focused on his superior position as minister, the depiction of ʿUmāra in<br />

the necklace story focuses on his contradictory position as a powerful yet<br />

subordinate client. ʿUmāra, as a man with a chip on his shoulder, can be<br />

compared to pompous and proud characters such as Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ,<br />

who trained Fayḍ b. Abī Ṣāliḥ, and members of the Barmakid family. 46<br />

They are perceived as pompous and proud in the context of the<br />

assumption that they are actually subordinate no matter how high they<br />

may rise in the elite. For ʿUmāra, refusing the necklace is a way to claim<br />

status that is denied to him because of his position as a client.<br />

Other stories about ʿUmāra offer insights into his contradictory status<br />

in the necklace story. Some stories emphasize his noble character in the<br />

context of administrative work, such as one in which the minister Yaḥyā<br />

b. Khālid al-Barmakī urgently needed help in a financial crisis. When<br />

Abū Jaʿfar said:<br />

“Who do you think can help?” Yaḥyā said, “I don’t know,” and Abū Jaʿfar<br />

responded, “Yes you do, ʿUmāra b. Ḥamza, go tell him what’s going on.”<br />

Yaḥyā said, “I went to his residence on the other side of the river and<br />

explained the problem, and ʿUmāra told me to meet him at the bridge in the<br />

morning and said nothing else. I returned dejected, but Abū l-ʿAbbās said,<br />

‘Don’t worry, that’s just the way he is.’ The next day, I went to the bridge<br />

44 Al-Dhakhāʾir wa-l-Tuḥaf, pp. 93–5; Al-Ghuzūlī, Maṭāliʿ al-Budūr fī Manāzil<br />

al-Surūr (Port Said, 2000/1419), p. 455.<br />

45 Al-Jahshiyārī, Wuzarāʾ, p. 60; Yāqūt, Muʿjam al-Udabāʾ, 5:2054.<br />

46 Sourdel, Vizirat, p. 178.<br />


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