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Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies 11 (2011)<br />

combination, can occur in texts that mask their fictionality, not for the<br />

purpose of deceit, but to offer an explanation of the world that would not<br />

otherwise be effective. 3 Mimesis in work by al-Jāḥiẓ is based on the<br />

imaginary as well as verisimilitude with reality, and other prose writers<br />

follow him in valorizing the combination of reality and fiction for<br />

literary, philosophical, and ethical ends. 4 Verisimilitude can be<br />

understood as a public consensus on reality. 5 The imaginary dimension<br />

of public consensus is a built-in feature in the real. Stories with historical<br />

characters and events allow the audience to contemplate experience,<br />

historical and contemporary, from different angles, and possibly change<br />

the course of their own experiences in response. 6 Gift exchange stories<br />

thus provide responses to the question of how adab relates to politics. 7<br />

3 Wolfgang Iser, The Fictive and the Imaginary: Charting Literary<br />

Anthropology, (Baltimore, 1993), p. 12.<br />

4 Ibrahim Geries, “L’adab et le genre narratif fictif” in Stefan Leder, ed.,<br />

Story-telling in the framework of non-fictional Arabic literature (Wiesbaden,<br />

1998) pp. 168–95, pp. 170, 195.<br />

5 Tzvetan Todorov, The Poetics of Prose, tr. Richard Howard (Ithaca, 1977),<br />

p. 82.<br />

6 Similar techniques are used in the configuration of sequences of events in<br />

narratives that are found in texts that are thought of (then and now) as literary<br />

and texts that are thought of as historical (Robert Hoyland, “History, fiction and<br />

authorship in the first centuries of Islam” in Julia Bray, ed., Writing and<br />

Representation in Medieval Islam: Muslim horizons, (London, 2006) pp. 16–<br />

46). Writers craft stories with historical characters and events in a range of<br />

ways. See Julia Bray, “Figures in a Landscape: The Inhabitants of the Silver<br />

Village”, in Leder, ed., Story-telling, pp. 79–93; Julia Bray, “Tanūkhī’s al-<br />

Faraj baʿd al-shidda as a Literary Source”, in Alan Jones, ed., Arabicus Felix:<br />

Luminosus Britannicus (Oxford, 1991, pp. 108-28); Andras Hamori,<br />

“Exemplum, Anecdote, and the Gentle Heart in a Text by al-Jahshiyārī”,<br />

Asiatische Studien 50/2 (1996), pp. 363–70; Andras Hamori, “Tinkering with<br />

the Text: Two Variously Related Stories in the Faraj Baʿd al-Shidda” in Leder,<br />

ed., Story-telling, pp. 61-78; Letizia Osti, “Al-Qāsim b. ʿUbayd Allāh, the<br />

Vizier as Villain: On Classical Arabic Gossip” in James E. Montgomery, ed.,<br />

ʿAbbāsid Studies: Occasional Papers of the School of ʿAbbāsid Studies<br />

(Leuven, 2004, pp. 233–47; Ulrich Marzolph, “Arabische Witze als Quelle für<br />

die materielle Kultur” in Ex Oriente Fabula: Beiträge zur Erforschung der<br />

narrativen Kultur des islamischen Vorderen Orients, 2 vols. (Dortmund, 2005),<br />

1:134–52.<br />

7 Julia Bray poses and discusses this question (Bray, Julia, “ʿAbbasid myth and<br />

the Human Act: Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih and others” in Kennedy, ed., On Fiction and

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