Using Scripts - mipav

Using Scripts - mipav

Using Scripts - mipav


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M I P A VM e d i c a l I m a g e P r o c e s s i n g, A n a l y s i s, & V i s u a l i z a t i o nMIPAV User’s Guide, Volume 1, BasicsHere, the command in the script is Clone. This command clones an imagewhich is labeled as $image1 in the script, and then passes it as input_image_1parameter to the Clone operator.Figure 308. The Record New Script dialog box appears indicating thatrecording a script is started. The initial script (A) and the script withcomments (B)2 Now, select the clone image and call Utilities > Add Image Margins. Inthe Add Image Border dialog box, specify the margins as shown inFigure 309 and press OK.In the dialog box:20 points margins are added tothe top, bottom, left and rightsides of the imageThe Replace Image option ischecked indicating that themodified image will appear in thesame frameFigure 309. The Add Image Border dialog box optionsMIPAV User’s Guide, Volume 1, Basics 51712/2/08

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