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GlossaryMAC Media Access Control. This is a sub-layer to the Data Link Layer. This isresponsible for the addressing at the Data Link Layer. In Ethernet, this addressis a 48-bit number usually represented by six hexadecimal bytes (e.g.,12:34:56:78:9A:BC).Mirror port This is an interface on a switch that has been defined to replicatetraffic from another interface (or multiple interfaces). This permits accuratepacket capturing on a switch.MP Management Processor. This is the central management processor for aServerIron WSM. The MP receives Layer 7 switching jobs to process and distributesthem among its BPs.MPEG Moving Pictures Experts Group. This is a Presentation Layer protocol forrepresenting video and audio data.MPLS Multi Protocol Label Switching. MPLS is a highly scalable, protocolagnostic, data-carrying mechanism. In an MPLS network, data packets areassigned labels, and the packet-forwarding decisions are based solely on thecontents of this label, without the need to examine the packet itself.MST Multiple Spanning Tree. This defines creating multiple instances of SpanningTree over the same physical links and switches. Each Spanning Treeinstance would have their own elections, priorities, etc.Multicast A method of replicating packets from a single source to multipledestinations without having to replicate to all destinations. In a Network Layersetting, this is commonly used by OSPF in its communication with otherrouters.Multihoming This is a method of simultaneously using more than one connectionto the Internet.NAT Network Address Translation. This protocol masks the source or destinationof packets by substituting different addresses within the packet's header.This is most commonly used to translate private (RFC 1918) <strong>IP</strong> addresses topublic Internet-routable addresses.Neighbor In OSPF, this would describe another OSPF router within the samebroadcast domain that is participating in the same OSPF area.NetIron This is the high-end model of the Brocade line. These are often usedby high-end ISPs or telecommunications companies. They make excellent coreswitches. They are chassis models and very expandable.Network address This describes the lowest possible address of a subnet. Thiswould be the address within a subnet in which all of the host bits were zero.Network Layer This is the third layer of the OSI Reference Model. This layerdecides how the data will reach its final destination. It is the routing layer. Dataat this layer is organized into packets.NFS Network File System. This is a protocol that provides a remote file systemto be mounted locally.414 Brocade <strong>IP</strong> Primer

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