PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

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INCLUDE § 77The INCLUDE statement directs the compiler to start reading from another file.Note: The INCLUDE statement is used for FORTRAN 77. There is no support for VAX/VMS textlibraries or the module_name pathname qualifier that exists in the VAX/VMS version of theINCLUDE statement.SyntaxINCLUDE 'filename [/[NO]LIST]'INCLUDE "filename [/[NO]LIST]"The INCLUDE statement may be nested to a depth of 20 and can appear anywhere within aprogram unit as long as Fortran's statement-ordering restrictions are not violated.§ The qualifiers /LIST and /NOLIST can be used to control whether the include file isexpanded in the listing file (if generated).Either single or double quotes may be used.If the final component of the file pathname is /LIST or /NOLIST, the compiler will assume it is aqualifier, unless an additional qualifier is supplied.The filename and the /LIST or /NOLIST qualifier may be separated by blanks.The include file is searched for in the following directories:• Each –I directory specified on the command-line.• The directory containing the file that contains the INCLUDE statement (the currentworking directory.)• The standard include area.ExampleINCLUDE '/mypath/list /list'This line includes a file named /mypath/list and expands it in the listing file, if a listing file is used.100 Chapter 3

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