PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

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STRUCTURE /account/INTEGER typetagUNIONMAPCHARACTER*12 ssnREAL*4 salaryCHARACTER*8 empdateEND MAPMAPINTEGER*4 acct_custREAL*4 credit_amtCHARACTER*8 due_dateEND MAPMAPINTEGER*4 acct_suppREAL*4 debit_amtBYTE num_itemsBYTE items(12)END MAPEND UNIONEND STRUCTURE! Tag to determine defined map! Structure for an employee! Social Security Number! Employment date! Structure for a customer! Structure for a supplier! Items suppliedRECORD /account/ recarr(1000)SUBROUTINE 77The SUBROUTINE statement introduces a subprogram unit. The statements that follow should belaid out in the same order as a PROGRAM module.Syntax[RECURSIVE] SUBROUTINE name &[(argument[,argument...])] &[specification-part][execution-part][internal-subspart]END [SUBROUTINE [name]]nameis the name of the subroutine being declared and must be unique amongall the subroutine and function names in the program. name should notclash with any local, COMMON, PARAMETER or ENTRY names.Fortran Statements 135

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