PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

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Return ValueIf the actual argument associated with the actual argument associated with ARRAY is an arraysection or an array expression, other than a whole array or an array structure component,GLOBAL_LBOUND(ARRAY, DIM) has the value 1; otherwise it has a value equal to the lowerbound for subscript DIM of the actual argument associated with the actual argument associatedwith ARRAY.GLOBAL_LBOUND(ARRAY) has a value whose i th component is equal toGLOBAL_LBOUND(ARRAY, i ), for i = 1,2,...n where n is the rank of ARRAY.GLOBAL_SHAPEReturns the shape of the global HPF actual argument associated with an array or scalar dummyargument of an HPF_LOCAL procedure.SynopsisGLOBAL_SHAPE(SOURCE)ArgumentSOURCE may be of any type. It may be array valued or a scalar. It must be a dummy argument ofan HPF_LOCAL procedure which is argument associated with a global HPF actual argument.Return TypeThe result is a default integer array of rank one whose size is equal to the rank of SOURCE.Return ValueThe value of the result is the shape of the global actual argument associated with the actualargument associated with SOURCE.GLOBAL_SIZEInquiry function returns the extent along a specified dimension of the global HPF actual arrayargument associated with a dummy array argument of an HPF_LOCAL procedure.SynopsisGLOBAL_SIZE(ARRAY, DIM)320 Appendix A

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