PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

PGI Fortran - Servidor WWW del Cluster Ladon-Hidra

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Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software. Quote Format ControlQuote editing prints a character constant. The format specifier writes the characters enclosedbetween the quotes and cannot be used on input. The field width is that of the characters containedwithin quotes (you can also use apostrophes to enclose the character constant).To write an apostrophe (or quote), use two consecutive apostrophes (or quotes).For example:WRITE ( *, 101)101 FORMAT ( 'Print an apostrophe '' and end.')Produces:Print an apostrophe ' and end.Similarly, you can use quotes, for example:WRITE ( *, 102)102 FORMAT ( "Print a line with a "" and end.")Produces:Print a line with a " and end. BN Format Control – Blank ControlThe BN and BZ formats control blank spacing. BN causes all embedded blanks except leadingblanks in numeric input to be ignored, which has the effect of right-justifying the remainder of thefield. Note that a field of all blanks has the value zero. Only input statements and I, F, E, D and Gediting are affected.BZ causes all blanks except leading blanks in numeric input to be replaced by zeros. Only inputstatements and I, F, E, D and G editing are affected. H Format Control – Hollerith ControlThe H format control writes the n characters following the H in the format specification and cannotbe used on input.The basic form of this format specification is:nHc1cn...where n is the number of characters to print and c1 through cn are the characters to print.Fortran Intrinsics 163

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